Saturday, December 18, 2010

karma, Drama, boys...what else is new?


I know, it wont count because its saturday...or sunday. Maybe some half-breed of the days of the weekend, and it feels like Blahday already. (the day between monday and teh rest of your life).

So, nothing is really going on just you know the usal...the sky is falling for no aparent reason.

i hate Karma: im really racist. even thoguh i hate to admit it. And i went 2 the movies today with my friend, and we were sitting outside waiting for my mom to pick us up and just outta no-where she says, "Whow, i didnt really how jewish you are. Your nose is HUDGE!"

I hit her.

I always joke about being "Super Jew", and being jewish and my "Penny Senses are tingling"...but i never really relized how much it hurts. Racism.
DO i make others feel like that? or do they take it as a joke like me. Maybe she was joking, but it still hurt.
and i feel really crappy now.

Not only do i feel crappy about that, but there was this guy named John. Im not saying his last name because:
1. If you care about mew you would stalk him to his house and break his legs for me. But im not that cruel.....
2. His last name wasnt important enough for me to remember.

So anyway, John likes me. He fallows me around, holds doors for me. Carries my books, walks me to classes.
Buys me soda.

He WAS a real Gentle man...or so i thought. So the benifit concert was this week (which was amazing btw. I loved everything, everyone was amazing. And for those of you who didnt come to see it ...echm..."john".... it was amazing and you r stupid to not have come and support the arts. and me. mostly, thats selfish. anyways, let me finisdh my story/rampage).

i wouldnt SHUT UP about the concert! So, he said he would come.

n he didnt.

Im used to it...because i mean, you dont have to come see EVERY show of mine if we were going to have any relationship besids being friends. I understand that they have lives too.

But there is this one test tha it always do.
I go major mad on them for not coming, and see if they try to get me back...or do they get angry and quit on us.

its always the 2nd choice, never the 1st.

I need someone who will fight me to keep me. No matter how mad i am.
Friends are great, Friends with benifits are even better: but right now i need a bf. Someone to be there for me when i need them, and someone to know that i can respect them and know that they will never let me down, like everyobdy else around me does.

So he got mad and cursed me off.
Figures. Most guys do that. Some just say they're sorry alot, but i want someone to actually DO something about it.
Im just WAITING for the day i find a guy that will stop me in the middle of a crowded hallway and curse me off, jsut to get the messagfe that they like me through my thick skull.

But then again this is highschool. Not hollywood or Comolot.
Chiverly, and gentlmen-ship dont exisit.
Highschool is a jungle and boys act like monkies.
So if they act like monkies, thn treat them like monkies.

Hayley Michelle

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