Monday, December 6, 2010

I'm not amused at this park.

PG= slamming into a poll while running away from Hobo zombies.

My friend is insaine.
She wants me to ger her an IPod Touch for her birthday, THAT ALREADY PASSED! n she said "So wat did you get me", and i made her a home-made card, and she wasnt happy. So now i have to get her somthing.
Normally i would smack the fudge out of some-one if they treated my love and awsomnesss like that...but i owe her because she got me out of this whole "eating disorder" thing. Lol, my old school nurse was CRAZY, and she saved my.....hine quarters! she (Crazy old nurse)thought i was preggerz and balimic at the same time! Just because she caught me throwing up in the bathroom once. turns out i had the flu...but she kept bugging me about it EVERYTIME she passed me in the hallway.She even sent me for "Theropy"
SO getting back to my un-apprecative friend...i decided to just take her some-place fun. She said she wants to go to "six Flags this summer".


I like amusment know, disney with thier fireworks, and hot forighn waiters in epcot. i like Hershey's because they give you fudge. (and not THAT fudge, but like...carmelle machiato flavored fudge. AMAZING by the way).
But six Flags is not an amusment park.
I am everything BUT amused when i go to Six Flags.

I remember the first time i went to six flags. It was in summer, 2 years ago. Danny (when i dated him and didn't hate his guts) decided to take me and his little cousins to Six Flags: Hurriciane Harbor.

First we dicided to go on this..."slide". You see, it was not a slide. On a slide, You go "Weee"

I did not go "Weee"...i went 'HOLY FUDGE IM GONNA DIEEEEEEEEEE". Beucase this was not a slide...this was a free fall.

after seeing my life flash before my eyes, we moved to the second ride. Do you know that ride that looks like a gigantic toilet? ya, thats the one.
We got on line and it said
"From this piont you are now 45 Minutes away from the slide".
I don't wanna wait that fudging long! Its a slide, how long can it take to go slide down?!!?!?!?
I waited there...for wat seemed like DAYYYYZ.
And to be honest? it wasn't that fun! if i wanted to go ride around in a gigantic toilet i would have stayed home and flushed myself.

Then we went to the wave pool. YOu think the wave pool would be..."Fun"..."harmless"...
I say "no, senior(Spanish mariachi man). your out of your fudging mind".

We got in and i was surrounded by 300 lb gorilla's and bandage's floting in the water n i swear i saw a kid pee in the pool.
and he was 12.

Plus i recently went back to six flags on fright night.....although nobody told me it was fright night.
My friend, Olivia, Thoguht it would be funny if she brought me to the zombie part of the fright night.


I was so scared i assulted them by throwing salt that i stole from the Johny Rocket, and i ran so fast, i ran into a pole. and then she thoguht it would be even MORE funny if she set them upon me while i was lying on the ground crying in pain.
haha.....hah...ha..(sarcastic laughing)


So trying to find alturnititves for going to Six flags.
Because as far as amusment parks go? i am NOT ammused.

Wish Me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle

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