Thursday, December 30, 2010

the definition of "Aladren"

Holy crap. I just explained to my friend waht an "Aladren" is.

wowz. lol, she was reading my play ( i JUST finished it! excitedddd!!!! she is sleeping over), and i was telling her that it was my final 4 theater. and Aladren is letting me have total creative control, so it has no limits on languge, profanity, or length! (personally, i think its quite short of a play. n not that profain).
so i explained that Aladren was the secret ingrediant in Chemical X. You know, the stuff that makes the power-puff girls look like gigantic beatles? that stuff. lol, she was laughing hysterically, so then i told her that she was my theater teacher.

speaking of which, i was attempting to explain to my friends (other friends) about theater and how awsome it was, and yet at the same to terrifyingly scarey, and how its making me consider being a lawyer or something with a lower risk of me dying or gonig crazy instead.
(lol, im doomed 2 b a theater person, so i wont switch. i ust like being dramatic. remember, i AM a theater person.And wont switch to anything else....unless being "Lara croft: tomb raider" is a profession...)

AND speaking of that...i met someone.

its a wierd transistion..but it works. trust meh =]

We met at a Rocky Horror that i took my friend on the second & third day of break.
He likes rocky horror, he can sing, he likes dancing, he's not gay, he loves acting and theater, he's a writer, he's mainly a musician, he fences, like rennisance fare's,he drives a nice car,he likes football, and...wait for the best part...

HE's JEWISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant wait to tel you were things lead on to from here,
Hayley Michelle

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