Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It wouldnt be class without me having a laugh attack. Tiffany's purity Ring and going 2 hell


ok, i seriously need 2 stop have laugh attacks. Cereal...its screwing me over. So we had Katlyn Perry come in today (no not KATTY PERRY or her cat, KITTY PURRY. KATLYN PERRY. Alumni of the program...and another hayley..grr). She was really nice, and AMAZING in N3RD. She was talking to us about collage, Fiona ws melting down ,i was in shock because they told me about "Juries".
Do you know that they can kick me out of collage?!?!?!!?!?!!??!?!!??


so scared, i swear i was fudging going insaine. I was like "WHAHAHAHH!?!?!?????"
n...yua. so anywho...... We also talked about A.I.A., wich i will be posting journals on later. (first health project on the "contriseptice" of my choice).

First of, health class sux. I got kicked out of my old health class because i threw up on my teacher and told teh students that they were going to hell for taking condoms............. (ya...dont do that...you get hated and kicked outa class......)

SO, i am doing my report on abstance. Its already 12 pages long about how should ONLY teach abstance so we would have less whores running around the school preggerz.
Girls like that are a discrace. First off, STRICT CALBICY. This school needs that,all schools need that. I dot care how great of a parent you are,or how much you "LOVE" the person your with.... if your still in school, arn't married, dont have a job or a stable house you shouldnt be having sex. Im VERY touchy on the situation... Teenage pregancy's are a joke. and if i ever got pregnant, (Which i never will. Waiting until after marrage, and i personlly belive that i will never get married.) I would get an abortion. I would hate myself, to ever think that i would let someone do something like that to me. I know abortion is wrong, its killing a life...but sometimes you have to be selfish. Its what'sright for your future....But i've never been preggerz nor will i ever.
So im gonig 2 fail my report, but it will be worth it to tell everyone that they are gonig 2 hell for not choosing abstenance.
Getting a tiffany's Purity ribng! (saving up money, excited!) (wow, that was random.) Its gonna be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO shinny! and i can chuck at Danny! YAYYYYY!

Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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