Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Best.(but impossile) Idea. EVERRRR


today's discossion blew me away. Im so pumped to be home now because i can start writing.
Firt off, let me say that i was soooo pissed off at everyone in taht room, but i was mainly pissed at myself because im the most racist person ever. Before i typed this up, i typed an entire blog about Jesus being a mexician. It was so ba, that i back spaced it and wrote this instead.
Anywho, getting back to why i was so happy to be home... Ms.Aladren was talking about what makes art, art. And talking abouyt plays, and how not everything is about plot. And about, my blog (even though not read, the one about how we are blid,, we touched upon it and i just got the most...greatest IMPOSSIBLE thing..>EVER

I want to expose the slime called the human race for what it truely is. There is no "perfect world" and no such thing as "diversity" and "total world peace". You are always hurting someone wheater you know it or not.

So i got the idea of writing a play, and jsut random racist conversations between people in the 60's 70's (civil rights movement time i think...)but the entire cast would be blind folded...except for one.
The rich, white male stero-type.
And at teh end of the play, they would remove their blind folds and relize their cruelties or relize that the world is cruel in general.
That the persaon you thought you new, is something diffrent. To show how raw and evil and racist and judgemental we all truely are.

And i really want to put the arts in it too. I dont wanna say, musical, but i definatly want dance. Something that al lteh preforming arts kids in our school can be in. Of course, it is near impossible because they will be blindfolded...
but i want to explore our class steryo-types, and just....ovbserve and write.

Its such a great but near impossible idea. Working on it anyways.

love (with all my heart! please tell me waht you think, or if you have any clue on how the hell i can pull this idea off)
Hayley Michelle

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