Friday, October 29, 2010



so for haloween, im going to a rocky weekend! awsome Rocky convetion tonight, then tommarrow going up to NY to see it in the original theater it first aired (the midnight showing) AND i'm acting it out; im columbia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!~
and then to finish up my rocky-ness; im going to take Dave to see the final day of the convention. he's the perefct brad for me. he's really stupid thoguh; becasue he isnt getting teh hint that i wanna be his girlfriend. i mean; HOW MUCH MORE OBVIOUS CAN I GET! every time i see a couple walk by; or somthing couples do togther (like we do), i say things and emphisize on the wordd GIRLFRIEND, or BOYFRIEND, or ASK OUT. we'vee been on alot of dates; but i'm starting to worry. what if he doesnt wanna be serious with me? but sunday i am DETERMINED to make Dave my boyfriend.
wish me luck,
Hayley michelle

Thursday, October 28, 2010

IM A HYPOCRITE!!! ok. i know that what i said in my last blog was sick. i wasnt looking at the full picture. ironically, when i was young yale was my tope 10 collage of choice! hahaha...ha...ha . so i wanted to apologize. i did some researxh on yale also. n no its not JUST a law scool. so i wanted 2 apoligize for being ungrateful for such a compliment. they thought i was going to yale. i was so self centered on Julliard; i blanked out everything else as a joke. im sorry for that. i am still in love with juliard, but yale will definatly be im the back of my head for a while....wish me luck world,Hayley Michelle



ok. Today we were talking about...well im not sure. but it had something to do with what freshmen was like wat senior, and collage.
First off; i was classifyed as a "gabe". That's wicked awsome: but gabe is super...gabe. the only thing we have in common is really that we play piano. Confussed how it goes. Katie was paired as a fiona on a good day, Sebatien is a new species aparently. I forgot everyone esle; lol, covered in paint!But this is how i would have put it:

jessicia as Casey (size wise)

Adjenea as Gabe ( lets face it; too talented to be human! dammit. also, curly q's!)

Hannah is like an alley (i am unsure about her)

Sabastien is a mixture of Gabe and glenn ( Scary to even imagine..right?)

Katie is..... i dont. (UNCLASSIFYED!)

Alishia as Alley #2

me? im a hybrid of a gabe, casey, and Fiona.

i know ur like WAHT? becasue im superrrrrrrrrrrr sheltered! But trust me there are 3 parts of me:

My school life- the stupid bubly bitch that laughs at everything who is super awsomely talented. ( the gabe)

My personal life- tiny depression and more crazyness. ( the crazy is the casey)

my PERSONAL life- trust me. it gets fudged up. There are days that i can make Fiona look clean. I know; scary! UBER-SCARY! i dont tell ANYONE about that! NOT EVEN MY CAT! (this is the fiona)

Also we talked about collages, and we're we'll probably go. All i got was the tension between me and Adjenea. Adjenea and i were the Yale and the julliard. Aparently, im aperantly fit for yale, and Adjenea  is fit for Julliard???...

isnt Yale  a law school?!??!?!?!?! This isnt leagally blonde, plus i kinda dont wanna go to a school named after a fish. I love jullaird; ever scince i knew such a thing exsisted my school years are going to be dedicated to geting into it. During the summer i take classes there; to get buddy buddy with some important proffesors there and admission ladies. Ya my chances of getting into jullaird as as slim as Ms.Aladren getting to be the queen of england. but you never know... i could be that lucky one. ya; mostly likely not; but you never know unless you try. Jullaird is my #1 choice until i DIE, but i do have a back-up plan/s. There are lots of collages that i could get into for basically free; beacuse i have connections and im sweet and "innocent". But im definatly gonna try for Jullaird; and nobody can stop me. Ya adjenea's gonna go far; she's super talented. I guess im jelous; but i hate the fact that i am. Im NEVER jelous of people; jelousy is a disease like the plague. It infects you and you slowly kill yourself from it. I 'm not really jelous of her; im just jelous that she's going to have the future i've always wanted. My path is foggy and i cant see waht's head for me. i could be on the same high-way to sucess like Adjenea, but then again i could also be headed for a deer in my headlights. You never know;
i kinda like it though. I mean; not knowing whats ahead of you. I love surprises. Its fun and exciting.
Speaking of exciting; started writing a play. Influencesd my Shawn Lousie from yesterday. (THANK YOU SHAWN!) (lol; his head is a smexy bowling ball). my new play is called:

"I, The Forgotten"

Its my first period pice! super excited!m victorian age!
lol, wish me luck world
Hayley Michelle

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dissipiontment and fudge(not that fudge)


So as you all know by now(or should know), i love rocky horror.
and glee.
It started good though, sorry; AMAZING! just like Rocky horror..and then all down hill from there.

MR.SCHUESTER: total fudge face! why do you want a germaphobic ginger anyways! SHE'S DATING UNCLE JESSE FROM FULL HOUSE SO BACK OFF! and while your at it, shave your totally awsome abs and walk around shirtless more often.

FINN: your awsome; and smexy (yes smexy. sexy mexician..even thoguh he;s not mexician), even if you are dressed in your grandpa's underwear.

RACHEL: (my twin), Your awsome; dont change a thing...except you singing Damit Janet in the key of F. we both know that the original Dammit Janet was in the key of C. Stay true to the roots honey; love you!

SANTANA & BRITTNEY: just date already! ur a cute couple.

SUE: quit your job and become a profficional pumkin carver..seriously. Did you NOT see how fly her pumkin carving skillz were?!!?!?!

LIL' SUE (BECKY): lol, love you becky! WE WANT MORE BECKY!
MERCADES: "IM-A-SWEET- TRANSVESTITE-FROM-SENATIONAL-TRANSYLVANIA!"oh yes you are! dont go changing; your awsome the way you are.

KURT: DAMMIT YOUR GAY! (why are all the awsome dudes gay!??!?!)


So i was watching the episode and i was like
i mean, what ticked me off the most was "Touch-a Touch-a Touch me". THEY CHANGED THE WORDS TO MY FAVORITE SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank god they did Time warp; or else i would have lost my marbles. the time warp was amazing, so they saved their little fudgy butts..but im still dissipionted.So now im eating fudge.

Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


im journaling; but i basically said it all. hmmm.....what to journal about (death and the kings horseman).............
its the longest play i've ever read! I mean..5 ACTS!
Nothing, and i mean NOTHING should be 5 acts long: (unless its a shakespear monoluge or something to do with me).
And all the acts are wierd; because its writen in diffrent styles.
There's sheakespear style, pinter style, english style....CONFUSSED!
lol; i really dont know what to journal aout. AHH! ideaz?
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle



Lol, funny/longgg title. woring on plays; my scenes are way to short. thinking of writing aplay with only one room (lol, 12 angry men!)... but i gots alot on my mind.
so i was in gym today and i saw these 2 hot guys doing the time warp, lol; i jumped in & had a blast! One of the guys name was Manny (met him at talent show backstage), and the other guy (totally forgot the other guys name, distracted my Manny's hotness). So we were talking about haloween and fright night, and zombie hobo's ; and the other guy is being Frank-n-furter for haloween!
lol, going to school on friday in my costume. r u? PLEASE DO! going as Magenta from RHPS, and i need a riff-raff! i feel nakid without him...
still feeling sick; taking super shots of medicine: GRRR not working!
I rather be canadian than sick!
did i just really say that?!!?
(actually; im just to damn lazy to hit the fudging backspace arrow to delete it. all my blogs are raw; i never filter what's going threw. explains why i always have all of these fudging spelling errors!).

OMG! speaking of spelling; im like, the WORST speller ever! In 3rd grade i spelled my own name wrong on a spelling test! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...rolf.
So my question is; What are YOU doing for halloween?

Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Monday, October 25, 2010

random shit that no-one cares about (just like the news)

See? this is what happens when your board & sick! you talk about random shit that nobody cares about! (lol, just like FOX news!). so here are some AWSOME quotes i found! for ur entertainment:


"Dont tell me the sky is the limit when there are Footprints on the moon…"

"Cuts heal, Scars won’t, Hearts feel, I don’t"

"I'm in shape: round is a shape"

"A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become well known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized"

"Eagles may soar in the clouds, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.  "

"Save the world: its the only planet with choclate!"

"If barbie is so popular; than why do you  have to buy her freinds?"

"You idiots! these aren't them! These are they're stunt doubles!" (haha...spaceballz).(writen by a jew!)

"A breakup is like a broken mirror; its best to leave it broken than hurt yourself trying to fixing it"

AWSOME QUOTES I MADE UP (actually its not a quote until someone quotes im quoting myself!)

"Dear heart; i met a boy today. prepair to get broken"

"i dont miss him; i miss who he was"

"I just broke up with someone and the last thing he said to me 'your never gonna find someone like me ever again!'. I'm thinking ' i sure hope not!if i dont want you, than why would i want someone like you?' "

"if someone you love hurts you; cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it."

still sick and still reading

still sick, damit.
i possibly may have the worlds worst immune system. i cant be sick. Last time i was sick; the doctor wanted to re-move my tonsels;
\and then i could never sing again.
So i overdosed on my medicine and made a miracle recover in a week. (tonsilitus).The slittest sneeze can make me have a anomnia. So i am taking extra shots of airbone (one ever 30minutes), 4 tolynols, and not moving from my bed (typing this on phone). I'm phco-health consious. (lol, like ms.Pillsburry but less ginger).
i seriously cant stand being sick; i feel like a loner; i need movement! how can animals sleep for so long! I can barley stay in my bed for more than 2 hours (i seriously dont sleep); how the fudg ecan they last ALLL winter@! and dont they get hungry?
(lol; i ate 3 pop-tarts today; FATTY! i used my eliptical...still feeling sick and lazy).

But that's not what this blog is about! This is about "Death and the Kings Horseman" (sadly).
two broken thumbs down.
I was confussed. Most people get lost in the sheakespear part of the play; sadly it was the only part i understood. I try to find a meaning; but i dont really wanna know. It didnt peak my intrest at all; lol, felt like hybernating! (alseep the whole time).
It wasnt the play for me. If the play was like the first act thourly, than perhaps i would have enjoyed it more. I really love the victorian/ shakespearian plays, about love and chants and gods and kings. I dont care for modern plays, although being tyhe hypocrite that i am i go and see like 12 modedrn plays a year. I love to read plays that are ubscure and have absolutly no meaning; the fun is finding and capturing the meaning. Going into a deep state of mind were you ARE the playt. i love that feeling; and i felt nothing while reading this play.
Wish me Luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Lincoln: great president, terrible tunnel


home sich today,
i was SO looking foward to pajama day. I even got new PJ's with tweety on them....and isnt shaw louse coming today?
oh well; it gives me some time for facials, and drinking tea. i hate being sick; it makes me feel week and vanurable. HI EVERYONE THAT IM MISSING IN SCHOOL! i miss you all, except you. (you know who you are....)
It's also crazy hair day at my old school. Last year me and my freinds got bald caps for crazy hair day. i had like...23 people (including me) just walk around completely bald. We even got our own page; the cue-ballz.

HAHAH! good times.... anywho, looking at pictures of New York.
OMG, when i was in NY on saturday i passed a sighn that said
"Lincoln; great president, terrible tunnel. use the train".
It was hallarious!
Dammit! i HATE being sick! i wanna be in school!
(wow, did i really jsut say that?)
i'm still in my Awsome PJ's i was gonna wear, and i feel fudgy becasue nobody's here to see how awsome i look.
God; i'm the most vain in-sucure person ever!
hahaha....asurg desiese.
Sorry; mind fart, thinking of last blog. HAHAHAHAHHA...such a funny name.
There's nothing on TV; and i'm online googling Johnathan Greoff.
WHY ARE ALL THE HOT GUYS GAY!?!?!?!/!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
That's the only fault i find with france; they have everything but strieght guys.
I love Johnathan greoff; i'm president of his Fan club on DA, but im not one of those obbessed fans. I hate those stupid fan girls that worship posters of teen-heart throbs like Justin Booger face and Bogus brothers.
I hate it when they say
"we're gonna have 3 kids, julioe, arron, carmen,.....and we're gonna meet in a concer tn he'll love me forever, and ever, and ever. and ev..."
it makles meh angry. he's a celeberty; he's never gonna meet you; your just another fan, no one special.
wow, that sounded harsh......but its reality.
i respect Johnathan Groeff, and ya; it would be awsome to meet him. but he's just another person that's really lucky in my eyes. But im not gonna faint everytime you say his name like those uber-fans.
hahah...uber is a funny word.
Anyways going to practice harp
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

(actually its a lyre...same diffrence!)

Sunday, October 24, 2010


PG=100 (even though i dont think it counts)

ok, so i promised ya'll that i'd tell you about how AWSOME the concert was.
first off; the opening band was HOT! also the cover band for journey was better than journey.
Every song they sang? I KNEW! and i'm not even that big of a journey fan... i just like going to concerts n parties.
So the lead singer looked like Fabio, and he was AMAZING!
the guitarist? HOT! i forgot his name but my friends that came with me all said that he looked like he should be called;
so..ya. the basist looked like susan boyle, (a man). and the pianist looked like the basist's clone. The drummer had an awsome mohawk!
i was up ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL night, and i had SO much fun!

So this mouring, i had a headache from all the awsomeness last nighty, and i went to six flags with my friend.
Six flags; more fags more fun!
(lol sorry. my friend came up with that last year. i find it funny and offensive at the same time!)
So anywho; "i had..the time of my life"...(lol, that was a quote from a terrible song...hahaha). And scince it was fright night; they did a horror concert...and did the time warp!
I did the time warp with everyone; and emotionally scared several people at the same time! I had a blast! but i cried the whole time beacsue i saw a zombie hobo.
i cried and was freaked the whole time! so i stole a salt shaker from the johny rockets (actually, i just spilled the whole vial of salt into a plastic cup and took it with me), and everytime i saw a zombie i threw salt at them.
zombies die when you sew kosher salt into their mouth; but they also just dont like it. Zombie's are also afraid of gold jewlary, and cant run in two directions at the same time. i ws SO scared! and my fiends chased me in the parking lot beause they were pretending to be zombies. i was SO afraid! I actually thoguht that my friends were zombies! (lol, not really. beacause everyone knows that you can only become a zombie if your bitten by a zombie..and none of my friends wer bitten by anyone...except i bit oliva....pelase dont ask why. firends are too fast to be zombies...).
So we also brought Andres.
Andres is this guy, who has asburger syndrom. he has a crush on me..damn my niceness/loveable-ness/sexyness/time wrp-ness! He's sweet; but i only like him as a he's 18 and im 13. AAAA! but he asked if he could come; and i couldnt say he came. We had fun..but he hit on me the whole whole time! CREPPER!
hahah...asburger syndrome. what a funny/stupid name for a syndrome. HAHAHAHAHA

AssburgerAsburger AsburgerAsburger Asburger Asburg

hahahahahahah.... ya... so anyways...


lol, sorry couldnt resist, latley ive been obssed with Rocky Horror; i love it all 5 seasons a year, but i get very obsessive during Haloween. anywho
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Friday, October 22, 2010

DONT STOP BELIEVEING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PG=100 (just for funz actually, but if it counts? GREAT!)

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EEEEE! so excited! Journey cocert 2marrow!

Ok...i lied. a journey cover band. but i herd them and they sound JUST like journey! i'm so excited, and back stage! EEEEE! i got amazing seats, and i'm going to blog allllllll about ity! its tommarow.
tommarrow is going to be the PERFECT day! fist, i have a class in NYC, then a concert, then a sleep over to watch the ROCKY HORROR!
lol, thinking of being Magenta for halloween....thoguhts?
lol, what are all of you going as holloween!
hahah, last year me and my friends went as the wizard of oz on crack.
I was sexy dorthey, my friend Fiath was a rabbid Toto, Danny (wen i didnt hate his guts) was  the scarecrow (the one from the scary murder movie), and my other friend was idina mendel. hahah....good timez.
I love halloween; even thought its the reson why i always gain back every fudging pound i loose on the eliptical machine.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle


Wow, my titale's are really un-original...ACT 5!
i am SO loving this one scene:

PILKINS: Its a beautiful sight...
ELESIN:  You think so?
PILKINS: The light on the leaves, the peace of the night...
ELESIN:  The night is not at peace, District Officer.
PILKINS: No? I would have said it was. You know, quite...
ELESIN:  And does quite mean peace for you?

I feel like Elesin is going for the troat in that one saying. All this scene needs a beat after wards. aAHHH! it would be perfect ! I love that whole conversation. They are talking about the night; but yet its so much MORE than just that! like in, Old Times, by pinter. It was people talknig about memories..but it was so much more deeper than the conversation about showers. I love that whole idea of burried meaning. Its amazing, if you really think about it; gunius.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle


ACT 4 everyone! JAIL TIME!

Ok, I understand who the fudge Jane is now.
Jane - Pilkings Wife
Olunde- Elesin's olddest son.

i also understand alittle more about name to say.
ok1 so elesin dis-owned Olunde because he left his country to go stud yto be a doctor n England. Now Olunde has come back because he heard of the King's death and knew his father was going to kill himself as the ritual sucicde. Olunde cares about his father; but when he finally see's his fatrher alive; he discards him. That confussed me. like.. alot.
Wish me Luck world,
Hayely Michelle


OK I GETS IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on to act 3, and i get the whole beggining of Deth and the kings horsman Act 2.
(how many acts does this play have?!?!)


So act 3 starts off with the women protesting gainst the men, refussing to let them pass (girl power!). the men want to arrest Elesin, but the women want him to get married?
ok i lied. i dont get it. LOST!
But i think that's wats going on. Correct? What is the ball!
(lol jeperdoy style!)
in act 2 Jane, Asuma, and Pilkings were discussing a ball and that act started with music n fancy dress in preperation. So i'm infering that they are at the market place for the ball!
Wish me Luck world,
Hayley michelle


it was boring and i prefer confussion than boring stuff. I actually found the first act to be MUCH easier 2 understand!
i know, ur like wha?!?!?
trust me? so am i.
It was just confussing!
Who is Jane!?!?!?
how did it go from Asusma and Elesin (crazy crack names liek Agnus) to Jane and Mrs Pikings.
its one or the other: PICK ONE!
you can't hav both...can you?
Wish em luck world,
Hayley Michelle

(i lied. I'm not skipping act 2, i'm just not blogging on it. i finished the play. )


The praise singer. i find him to be an interesting chracter (still in act 1). The praise singer, is a griot..i think.

Griot- a member of a hereditary caste among the peoples of western Africa whose function is to keep an oral history of the tribe or village and to entertain with stories, poems, songs, dances, etc.

They are given to a nobel, or someone with high standers in society; like Elesin. It's is then the griot's job to note every herioic deed of his master; and praise hi til the day that either one of them passes. Teh prasie singer has all of the characterisits of a griot. He is always with Elesin; and reminding him of how great he is. He knows all of his history, and never once leaves his side. They enjoy life together; not just as a griot and his master, but as friends.

Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle


OK! so here its the first journal! ok, so i was reading it..and i'm like.wha?????
but its just like shakespear. So i thoguht i could analyse this quote thati rallly liked, and surprisingly understood:

"Your name will be like a sweet berry a child places under his tounge to sweeten the pasage of food. The world will never spit you out." (1050).

This is the Praise-singer talking to Elesin. Elesin is in the market awaiting his new bride.(back then you were aloud to have more than one wife.) The praise-singer is talking about Elesin, as wanted by all; prasing him. That the world; (or those in the town, mainly his bride) will never get tired of him; that he will be eternally loved.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

the bear named Poop..sorry Pooh. (SAME DIFFRENCE!)


lol, i FINALLY got my norton back; THANK GOD CHELSELEY! so this whole day i will be posting several journals for "Death and the Kings Horseman". But anyways; this journal is a free write!

So yesterday; i was watching my little cousin's Micheal and Eric. Micheal is the only cusin that i love; the others could die for all i care. Last family reunion? My cousin zack tried to kill me! rude!but its ok; i punched him the eye. Ya, our family reunion's get scary... sometimes i feel like my my family reunion is a comic wrestling match of doom. I mean; its only scary when my family actually shows up...if nobody shows up we just order pizza and watch football and go polar dipping. (swimming in winter).
But getting  back to my cousin story... Micheal is my awsome cusin. I like him becasue he is young and i can mold him into the perfect slave..i mean relitive. ya..perfect relitive...hehe...he.he....
His little brother Eric; is doomed. He is going to grow up and be a mime; and nobody likes a mime. He doesn't talk. he's 4 and still can't talk. But yet..i love the little mime so. He's cute and VERY expressive; he should be a hand model. He is very carismatic.
So to distract them, i put on whinney the pooh for Eric. Micheal and i were playing dinisours. WHAT? i can't have fun and play dinosaurse? When i was little i was too mature to play with all of those things; i  was busy writing durring recess. so now i am un-maturing (is that a word? its should be), and acting like a 6 year old. Its a good age. Oh! and here's a little tip Ms.Aladren..
When your babies grow to be the age of six ALWAYS be the Indians when you play "Cowboy's and Indians". Because the indians always take a traibal attack on the cowboys and next thing you know.. a friendly game of Cowboy's and indains turns into the Salem witch trials with someone buring at the stake..

SO! getting of topic again, Eric was watching Whinny the pooh. First off.. who names a bear pooh?!!!/ It's like..poop/ (hahah funny word). That is a terrible name! oh well it could be worse..its name could be agnus. (hahha canadian name). Plus, Why is the rabit growing majic mushrooms? IN THE MAJICAL FOREST!?!?! I mean, i could see who's useing it...(tigger). And what the hell is with the depresed cross-dressing donkey! I mean, he is a what the fudge with the pink bow on his tail! the pink thing a guy or a girl!
SWEET TRANSVESTITE...FROM SENSATIONAL.TRANSYLVANIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (rocky i smella school play coing on!)
Also, what kind of parents let a little boy out to go play in a majical forest with an obeast bear, a bunny that sells drugs, and cross dressing animals?!!?!?!

So i just changed it to Iron Man.
Much better.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My life is Falling apart, but tommarow will be sunny


I feel as if my life is falling apart. I just dont have any motivation. I have now piled myself into a deppression; and i can't seem to figure out why. I came into this new school bright and cheery; excited to make new friends. Now i am just a blob.

I heard Adjenea, Hannah and Aleshia talking today in the dressing room; about going to the mall today. Of corse i wasn't invited. Adjenea called my name and i thought she was going to ask if i want to come; but she just giggled and said never mind. They're (Adjenea, Hannah, Aleshia,..all the freshmen but me) are really good friends with eachother; which is great...its just that they dont like me. I dont belong. These are the people that i'm going to be spending the next 4 years of my life with; it would be nice if i was friendly with them. I feel as if i'm drifting in a viod of space; and they're in a WHOLE other galexy. I feel distant; and no matter how hard i try to fit in with them; i wont.

Its not just school either; things have been wierd at home. My dad's forgetting things; its scaring me. Yesturday he forgot my birth-day; his only daughter's simple November 26th birthday. And its not just that; he's forgetting simpler things too. So mom and i bought him these memory pills that are supposed to help you remeber things...but so far its not working. we also force him to take Fish oil; its supposed to be good for the memory gland in your brain. I heard my parents talking about something...and my dad said that he might be getting altimer's..amd he doesnt wanna live that way. you don't know how much it KILLS me to hear him say that. I love my dad; i mean, we always fight.. but i love him. I want him to remember me...  i want him to remember my birthday, my prom, my first car, my first rodeo, my first monolugue..i just want him there..and i want him to remeber. I hope he doesn't get alltimers..that's just to much to handle.

Today Shawn Lousie came; i was really excited. I've been botling up my emotions so far; and everything was fine..but the minute i stepped into that auditorium... i just felt so low. Do you know that feeling...that feeling when your home? at night, in the darkest hour; when you can cry and be happy and nobody is there to witness you at your raw moment? that's how i felt..i just wanted to run. But none the less; i enjoyed watching Shawn Pre-form. He asked for volenteer's..and i wanted to volenteer SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO badly..but i knew that if i volenteered..i'd just break down and cry. So i didn't volenteer. I watched Gabe volenteer. He was good. And i was trying to focuss on Shawn and everyone else...but my mind just kept slipping back to all of this drama and wight upon my shoulders. Then there came this moment; that gabe sat there..silently and looked at me. He didnt move at all...looked like a staute. And he just stared at me, as if he was in my mind searching for my soul..and i just started to silently cry. He didn't say anything, he didn't frown or think about why i was crying or that nobody else noticed...but he smiled. And in that told me that everything as going to be ok.
Some days are going to be rainy; other's there are going to be storm clouds that will color the sky ebony black...but tommarrow?
Tommar will be sunny.

Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

HOME-SICK..well school sick


UGG! STILL don't have norton. CHELSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bring it tommarow please!!!!!
ok, that's all i really have to say. Today was SO boaring; i have nothing epic to blog about.
We had Talent show rehesal/auditions 2day. LOL, i didnt get to go. School let out RIGHT before i was gonig to go on. Oh wellz, try 2mmarow or just showup the day of the show. so far the acts were good; i had to hide in the girls dressing room that smells like pee/socks/peed on socks.
We need to get airfreshner's; its like someone breeded Cats in there. I just cant stand it anymore. WTF (wath the Fudge). Gabe and Glen rehersed for the senior showcase 2day; i was talking. SORRY! i didnt mean to; the girl next to me asked a question about the Talent show n i answered. I cant help that i'm loud.....i just naturally project.
Its my greatest Quality. I can get everyone's attention; im a human mocrophone. Some people hate me for it; but i like the fact that im loud. I dont really let it effect me that people dont like me.
I got my progress report yesterday; and my spanish teacher said that my grade was a 'B' because i "did'nt get along with the other people".  that the reason my grade was so low, was because the bitches hate me. it shouldn't effect my grade! I just wanna set this stright;
I dont hate them. They just hate me! But it dosent effect me; so i give back what i recive; hate.
Highschool is an intelectual waste land; i'm not here to make friends, because nobody wants to make friends with me. Im here to be sucessful; and if your not gonig to help me then get out of my way.
If you know me (and you all do), im a social butterfly, i go out of my way to be nice; but people just hate me. Even the theater freshmen. Its like they dont wanna be seen wih me. They're all friendly with eachother, but when it comes to me; they dont want anything to do with it.
I still have my old friends from my old school; i miss them so much. if it wasn't for my awsome theater class; i would have probably dropped out by now. i dont like it. My classes are too easy; the peole are too mean. but that's life. i've gotten used to it.
I REALLY miss my old friends; we used to  pass notes in the halls, we'd make fun of the cheerleaders, sing the mourning anouncements, create books and plays in lunch, sing "hey Jude" in the middle of the hallway. They understood me. I know i'll make firends; school jsut started. But sometimes you have to get used to walking the path alone.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Monday, October 18, 2010

GABE IS AN ALIEN!..or candian. you pick

Hell-o ya'll. This blog is specifically for Ms.Aladren(or well, this part is)
HI MS.ALADREN! Becasue you weren't here today, i will now nicley fill you in on what haoppned. First off; i went to the Mainoffice (like the note posted on the door said) and then tehy told me to go get this teacher. I couldn't find her; so i came to the class aLate. She is teh dance teach, im blanking on her name. let's call her "jennifer Grey" (she remindes me off her from "Dirty Dancing"). so we had a choice of Dancing, or hiding in the closet. Gabe, Fiona, Alley and I decided to dance. Fiona quit, and Alley had to leave; so it left me with Gabe and all the other toothpics that dance. First off; let me feel free to say that i can't dance for my life. No, i'm not fudging with you; i stick like a skunk when it comes to dance. So far i've been kicked out of exactly 16 dance classes for sucking SOOOO much.
but i actually didnt epically fail today! Still, gabe was better than every person in there. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!!!!!!?????!!!?!?!?! Gabe is SO flexible, and bendy (sorta like a barbie/ rubber pencil. admit it; once in your life you have made a pencil look rubber. DONT DENY IT!) I don;t bend; i have lack of muscles. Plus my legs are SO damn long, and my arms are like...little sticks. i cant even reach my toes! (more sadness). Have you ever seen a T-rex? I'm sorta like that. I have a big head; and little arms. So anywho, gabe rocked my socks and was AMAZING! I asked him how he can dance like that; cuz it was fudging insaine! He said "8 years of dance class", but i found a Much more believe answer:

GABE IS AN ALIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

or canadian....

I havn't decided; he's probably both. You know, most people that are famous are Candian. Celien Dion, Sandra Bullock, Avril Lavigne, Lady GaGa...and they're all aliens! So, my final decition is that Gabe is a canadian alien. Its the only explination...... thoughts?
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

(PS: i need to get my hands on my Norton, CHELSEY IF YOUR READING THIS I NEED MY NORTON 2MARROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

ok. Now this is OFICALLY goodbye.

Friday, October 15, 2010



HI YA'LL! Sorry for my lack of journals on "death and the King's horseman" , but my kindle deleted it (grr) and chelsey has muh copy of the Norton. So i can get it back on Monday. I will post extra journals next week. PROMISE! So i'm here with my BFFL: Olivia Ferrer!
Olivia says hi, everybody. She also loves harrision; (her boyfriend at the moment). So anyways, we were at Damon's and we were making fun of ramdom people. I know it sounds rude, but its so much fun! We'd just walk up to a random person, and start talknig to them as if we knew them all our lives! I would call them awsome names like bob. and boberina. and boberino. the GREAT Bobbera!
inside jokes! So we are now watching "bye, Bye, Birdie". Its her school play, DAMN HER! so lucky. She looks like katie; HI KATIE!
omg, katie and i, and a bunch of other pretty peoplein my gym were playing guitar 2daY. iT WAS FUN
going 2 New York tommarrow; meeting dave! (hope Micheal doesnt find out!). I love new york; i love everything about it! The stores, the hobos, the smell, the sewers, the buildings, the music, the taxi driver that looks like Aladin, the everything! (lol, sorry Alladin!). i'm so racist. i never was racist;  am cleaner than white bread; like...mayonase. I might as well be christain for gods sake; im that clean. But i like it; becasue i'm innocent.
HAHAHAHHA...oh funny joke.... Speaking of funny jokes; my friend told me the the most FUNNIEST joke EVER; but i forgot it. lolz, i got hit on by a 5th grade today! Ya, why is it that the guys that are attracted to me either smoke everything but tabbacco, have ADD, or are in fudging 5th grade! Damn my sexispeal! it seems like every guy that hits on me is a stalker also.. i have 3 restraing order; no fudging joke.
I hate living in NJ, beasue there are no cute (stright) guys that are decent. All the hot guys are jerks/ and or gay. And all the nerdy guys are stalkers that aparently want to touch my non-exisiting boobs. i got into a fight with danny about that today. I shouldn't really be talking about this; but its like my Journal. a dairy almost. You see, i have no shame with telling the world all the crap that happens in my life; beacuse if i tell the world everything, then i have nothing to hide. I have no shame, and i have nothing that they can integrigate me for.
What were we talking about again? oh yes; Danny. That little lying, low life perv! I hate him.
You probably dont know what the hell i'm talknig about; but seriously, its best that you you dont know.
All you need to know is that; he is a bitch that i was on and off dating for 5 years until he took all my firnds virginities and then made out with my BFFL in the back of my car while we were still dating, and then thinking im over-reacting when i find out.
Anyways, this blog is way to pewrsonal; i shouldnt post it, but  dont wanna fail.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chelsey has a small mouth, Casey has no eyebrows, and i have been thinking to much


ok! so today we did itsy-bitsy-tinny-weeney- misner. ITs was fun; even though i feel like i shouldn't say that. I was soooo un-sure if i was doing it right; but i was thinking to much! i really need to stop thinking so much; or more as i need to loosen up.  I can't wait til i'm a senior and i get to mess with freshmen. WE had alot of fun today. Ms. Aladren did a misner with the seniors; and said that Chelsey had a small mouth for her big head. I thought it was So funny! i don't like to say things about people; because it makes me look like a jerk (AKA Bill Clinton). But in misner i have no problem with it; beacuse it's acting. I kinda look foward to the next time i can! Then when we were doing misner with the seniors, Hannah told Casey that she had no eyebrows! they're there...i think. no, she has light eyebrows. ANd then everybody was fueling off of that...poor casey! I'm SO excited for the concert. I'm backstage now, and i am going to try and upload pictures of me back stage. ITS SO EXCITING! i'm looking foward to the after party with Olivia. I havn't seen Olivia since we work on "Revenge is Sweeter than you". I really miss summer; i was recording the whole time; but i had SO much fun! I recorded 3 demo albums; and i met Olivia through that. She was a studio artist; and so was Teddy,Adam,Andre, Gina and John. they're all AMAZING musicians; snaps for them!
Olivia's dad is Mike Farrer; who is the drummer for Guns-n-Roses. He's really great; and i get alot of connections through that! I might even tour with him this summer!
Teddy is this hot guy who sounds just like the lead singer from U2. he's an AMAZING guitarist, and looks like a brittish Justin Booger face.
Adam; who is my Jimmy Hendrix, loves to push my buttons. Its ok; i love to break his buttons.
Andre is...a creeper. He has a crush on me, and its scary because he's special needs and 19. He's an amazing drummer though. And i love him for that.
Gina is a bitch. that's the only way to describe her. She does base guitar.
John; does piano fills for us; he is nice and we sing Bohimian Rhapsody together.

I love recording with those guys; and we are starting recording on my new album; which will finally be relseaed! (i hope.)
Wish me Luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I FOUND OUT HOW TO READ THE REST OF THIS PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's JUST like Shakespere, but all you need to do is read it with a dictionary by your side. Like take a line, and analyze it; then continue reading until you have painted your picture! (yay! connect the dots and paint by numbahs!) It was really hard though, i'm only on page 4!!!! AHHHHH. oh well, my goal is page 10 tonight.
wish me luck,
Hayley Michelle

Do i sound like a chipmunck? what are YOU afraid of? and LET'S DO THE TIME WARP DANCE !


Do i sound like a chipmunk? i was in history (last period) and i was yelling at Kayd for being a sore loser, and the girl in-front of me started laughing hysterically. She said "Holy crap, you sound like a chipmunK! You make my day...just keep talking..."
I don't think i sound like a chipminck!
But do you know who i think sounds like a chipmunck? Brittney spears. She is good,( not as good as me thoguh.) it's just that i can only listen to her for an hour every week, without my ears exploding. Her voice is squeeky! (squeek-squeek-squeek).
Today in theater we talked about producing. I got costumes (thank god!). Its the only thing i can actually do prettty damn well. You see, for summer extra credit.. i though we had to make an outfit...not make a sketch of an outfit. So here i have this full dress that i hand sowed sitting in my room. The maniquin doll kinda scares me.. i mean, in the middle of the night it's kinda scary to see this headless dress looking in your direction. I sometimes have to put a sheet over it, or sleep on the couch! I get scared really easily. I mean i'm afraid of alot of wierd things. Im not afraid of bugs, or being lost, horror movies (except Scooby-doo on zombie island. come it just me who finds that creepy?!?) and many other things normal people would be afraid of.
But that's the problem.
Im NOT normal. I'm no-where near normal.. take the distance from earth to pluto and times it by 5 and that's how far away i am from being normal. I'm afraid of stupid things. Like basketballs, pipe ladders, and zombies. Don't you find that their slowness makes them creepier?!?! nad plus, if zombies eat brains..then why arn't they smart? I bet you that jewih zombies are smart. I also bet you two bucks that zombies wrote some of today's TV shows. I was  flipping through channels last night while awaiting glee, and the stuff on TV is STUPID! i mean, who even thinks of these things. You know? i wanna meet the guys who came up with the "Two and a Half Men" theme song. I mean...really? I like the show, its funny, but come on! The theme song is litarly:
"men men menly, men , men men menly men men men ly mennnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Can i seriously make money off of thinking of that? I mean, really??!!?!?! I wanna do what THAT guy's doing! I mean, i  bet you the same people wrote the map song from Dora. "i'm the map, im the map, im the map, im the map: IM THE MAP!".
i can do that!
I mean, your paid for a theme song, you better get some kick-ass theme song! "men men men" is not a kick-ass theme song! Its a jack-ass theme song! its fudgy.....
you know? my life should be a TV show...and it would have a kick ASS theme song! It would be awsome! I mean, it would b like Degrassi mixed with Gosip Girl and glee! And i can garentee that EVERYONE would wath it! speaking of glee... ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW! i love it! it's in a week and 6 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so excited! I i was old enough i would SO be in the rocky horror picture show. I saw it 8 times live, and every year on Halloween i watch it in the cemetry with my family. We all love it; its like a family tradition. I know EVERYTHING about it; and i cant picture ANYONE else to play Dr. Frank-n-furter but Gabe (but he's not on glee) and Puck. But Puck is in Juvie, (as said on last episode) so it is oviously gonig to be kurt. I ean, nobody else will be anyone, becasue he's the only guy with the balls to do it. Anyway, can;t wait!
wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Ok. Today i've started Death and the kings Horseman by an africian auther who's name i can't pronounce and or spell. The first scene is like..

it lost me at "Rosster, Rooster!"
help? going to review the first act..again.
and again,
and again,
and again.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle


PG= 100

Today was REALLLLLLLY awsome! after school i went to go and meet Dave. I told everyone that i would get my perfect kiss..
it was so's that word? like electricity and cotton candy mixed together? it was just perfect. I just feel bad, becasue i havn't told micheal about dave. I don't know how he's going to re-act; but everything is fine; beacsue i'm neither of they're girlfirends. I love being single.
1. it gives me every right to sing "Single Ladies" by Beyonce.
2. I'm not tied down, so i can go on as many dates as i want with as many diffrent guys as i want to. AND IT WOULDN'T BE CHEATING!

plus, every guy kind just wants sex and it spears us both the dissapiontment when i tell him i'm not sleeping wit him and he never calls me again. I don't really get it; why are guys so wrapped up about sex? i mean, there are greater thing in life than choclate. and cheese. Of cheesy flavored choclate! Nobody understnads my views on that..i mean sex. I want to be a virgin for as long as i possibly can. I'm not stupid; i'm not going to just throw it away. I'm a traditionalist. I believe in sex after marragie, but i doubt i'm going to get married. I'm WAY to damanding. I can imagine myself as an old lady though. my poor husband to be...he wont' stand a cahnce. I mean, im such a drag.. my last boy-friend said that. It doesnt matter...he was a totally dick anyways. FUDGE_BALLS! i cursed..nooze! Wow, what am i even talknig about/ (this blog is SOOO inapropriate!). Anyways, today was perefct. but now i have to go to dance. I don't like dance; i have to wear tights. Tights are corsets for legs. I hate tights; they're trash and what happened in the 80's should STAY in the eighties. I mean, nobody wears tights except for ballerinia's and robbin hood. And i'm no ballerinia; i have as much grace as an elephant. calling me a dancer, is like saying Casey is a giant. I mean i dance; if we were in a dance compition i could kick your butt; i know the saftey dance, the mocharana, the sprinkler, and my favorite.... the guiddo fist pump. I used to be really good; but then i stopped going beacsue i sucked. I like to dance; i just suck like last years host for the VMA's. You know what else sucks? my hair. I tried curling it today, and it fell flat like a dead thing on my hed. I really want curly hair; i cant do a thing with my hair; its just strieght. like Tom cruise. Speaking of streight; Kevin came out as offically gay today! Kevin and Martin have been dating for almost 6 months now; thanks to me. Originally Kevin was bi, and we dated..well, summer fling. And then he broke up with me...for a guy. Like, my guy friend! But they're SO cute together, how can i be mad?!?! They're going to be together FOREVER! Martin's always been gay, i've known ever scince he asked me for a hanah Montana CD for his birthday in 5th grade. Martin is sorta like the black Kurt from Glee. But that's enough; i've said to much. This blog is making me feel disturbed. gosh, im wierd.
NOTE TO SELF; get out more.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley michelle

Monday, October 11, 2010


(don't know if we still have to blog, becasue we're not in school...but im gonig to anyways. ALSO:)

OK! so happy columbus day, not! Ok, it sounds like i'm wishing you not to hae a happy day, but im not. I hate columbus day, even though it gives me some fre time to get a facial. I hate everything about columbus; he didnt even discover americia!
LEAF ERICKSON DID! (no, not the folk singer from the 70's. he was a viking).
Also Columbus was abusive, and was known for his cruelty and greed. Plus Clumubs...a jew. (im a jew, i dont hate him for being a jew. i hate him for being ashamed of it. had to sum that
I had the prinladge of holding his actual log that he himself had written in, and it was written in hebrew. All hebrew; and you only wrote in hebrew if you were jewish back then! i don't remeber his real name, but it porbbly was some yenta name like; Harold Solomon. So, "harold Solomon" changed his name to Christepher Columbus, to escape the rumors of the spanish inquisition that began in spain and throguht Europe. And when he ot to americia, aka LAND OF FREE FORMED RELIGION, he could have revealed his true self, but he was ashamed and never came out s jewish. Fudge culumbus. But anyways, that's why i hate culumbus day... i mean, what the hell are we cellabrating anyway?!?!?!
Last might i was baby sitting again (poor eddie, i see him more than his parents do!), and i showed him the Katty perry on Elmo. First off, the parents are OVER-REACTING! her boobs are not hangning out, they have a slip cover over them , if you look carefully; its a nude color and it goes from her dress to her sholders. I think they should have put it on sesemea street, what's the harm? IT WASNT THAT BAD, well...except for Ms. Perry's acting...ya...that was pretty bad.........But what else would you get from Sesemea street!
IAnd so, i looked at some of the comments, and i found this one from  Katty's fiance, Russle Brand,:
"Today's episode will not be brought to you by the letter D, or the number 36" (wich is apparently Katty's bra size...eww...TMI)
but still, i thoguht it to be funny. Also i was watching John Pinette this mourning. I LOVE HIM! he's so fat, and funny. you should really check him out; and remember RAVIOLI'S AND A NAP!RAVIOLI'S AND A NAP!RAVIOLI'S AND A NAP!RAVIOLI'S AND A NAP!RAVIOLI'S AND A NAP!'d understand if you knew who he was...but point being, find him on youtube. Its worth it. I love him, i want to go see him one day...hmm...maybe. Anyways
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Ok. I know today is saturday, and i wont get cridit for it; but im going to blog anyways. I love to blog; its fun. OMG, i was telling my friends about it and then we just started saying "blogg-a"". What does that even mean? you get a cookie if you tell me the definition!
Ok, so anyways, i had the WEIRDEST dream last night; and i thoguht to myself 3 things;

1. i need to stop watching "Kolchack; the nightstalker" right before i go to sleep.
2. Gabe hair is really puffy; like a mini-afro. (OMG, like goldy lox from the 70's!)
3. this is SO going into my blog

So, last night i dreamed that i was older, like in my senior year, and Ms.Aladren was teaching a lesson. Then Adjenea and Jessicia started humming somthing, and then we all got up and did the saftey dance. Next thing i know; we're all outside (still dancing). Usally i get dreams like this, but normally to brittney spears music or Heart. What freaked me out was that Gabe was dressed-up like Dr.Frank-n-furter from the rocky horror picture show, and we were all wearing costumes. I'm pretty sure that i was dress-up like cher (or the lawn chair of Liberatchi). But the piont is; it  was really wierd and awsome! Oh, I ALMOST FORGOT THE BEST PART OF MY DREAM! there were little casey clones, but it was like an army. thet were sooooooooo tiny! (they represt munchkin land!i love the Wizard of oz!) so ya, that was my wierd dream.
On friday we had a guest artist! (he looked like john stamos to me).  It was awsome, and before i say anything insulting to anyway any further;  i want to take this blog to officially apologize to Fiona. Sorry! ya...for those who have no clue what im talking about......its best you dont know what im talking about.
I started writing some stand-up, even though i dont think its good. I mean, acting is easy, labor is easy,life is easy; COMEDY IS NOT EASY! Its hard to be funny; I mean, im funny unintentionally, and when i try to be funny they're all like "Hayley, what the hell are you doing?". So i was analayzing comedy, and i found that physical pain is funny. I mean, as long as YOUR not in pain its funny. other people, ya, OTHER people in pain is funny. You know who else is funny? the three stooges. I love how the bald guy  is curly. Its like...really funny. I think Glen should be curly; he looks bald. I mean, really, it looks like he's bald. I can tell; because his head is really shiny and big. probably full of gummy-bears. My heads pretty big; buts its full of BRAIN! i just only use like...1% of it. OMG, you know that we are all telachonisis? ya, we all have this special part in our brain that makes us X-MEN! But nobody knows how to use it yet...except for canadians...
It would be pretty cool to be an X-men, i mean, i could mess with people for being wierd. Like, revenge. Also, i could hang out with Huege Jackman! (its not how he spells is name, but its as close as i'll ever get!)
I watched X-men once; it was really good, but the frog guy is scary. I mean, i'm totally against disecting frogs, but he should seriously neeed-to-go.
I dont like disecting frogs becasue i mean...the frog could be a prince! And if we disect frog Princes..well then..
So i'm totally against hurting animals..i mean, im being a hypocrite when i say this because im a fail vegitarian. Well, more like vegan. definatly a fail vegan. You see; i am an animal activist. I love animals; but dammit they taste good with ketchup! I mean, its not my fault that wilber is so dellicious! I BLAME FAMOUS DAVE'S!. I dont eat cow though, and i rarley eat pig. Sometimes i eat chicken but its ok.
They're alians.
I'm positive that they came on the same space-ship as lady gaga. Chickens can live up to 4 weeks without they're head; now if that doesnt scream alien, then i dont know what! But also, i dont eat eggs, becasue they little chicken phetusis. I can't eat a baby! thats just wrong. Chesse though, i eat chesse. i love cheese, so i could never part with it. I mean, who DOESNT love chesse?!?! exactly, no -one! well, anyway i have to go clean my room. UGG
Wish me Luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Thursday, October 7, 2010

You talk of me as i were dead

Ok. So i was going over "old Times by pinter" (for the 5th time this week). and i love this quote:

"You talk of me as if i were dead". (Pinter 1027).

This is said by kate, and at first i didnt understand it. Ok, i still dont; but i like it. The quote has depth. I think it has something to do with her actually being dead? i dont know; they were talking about memories right before; and then she said this great quote. hmmm.....perhaps it is saying that she wasnt included in the conversation; but that would be a literal meaning. That isnt the case here; pinter isnt literal. He's known for taking the literal; the normal, and twisting it to the pre-portion you could think a simple quote like this could mean the oddest of explinations.
Perhaps this quote says that Anne And Deeley secretly wish she was dead; or perhaps, going into a theroy, Kate really is dead and just is revealing a pice of the plot?
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle



Ok. I had this idea last night around..3 in the mourning? ok. So i don't know if i want to encorprit it into a play, but at the moment it's a monolugue. Here it is:

He told me i was beautiful
when i wasnt.
He told me "its ok"
when i tnever was.
He told me "ill be there"
But he never will be.
He told me that nobody could wear pigtales like me,
when he kissed me under the swings in 1st grade,
He told me he liked my dress,
when he really liked what was underneath.
He said "I love you"
when he didint.
He said "I care"
But he doesnt.
He said "Forever and Always"
But forever ended at dawn.
Everything he
felt for me?

was a lie.

I lived in a fantasy world.
I believed that he was my prince charming,
I even fell for his stupid love song.
But he wasn't a prince; an actor.
I have never met somebody that can act like him.
But he is only fake;
So the award goes to him,
For the best pre-formance of the year.
He made a girl believe that he loved her.
He broke her like Humpty - Dumty.
And all the kings horses, and all the kings men could never fix her broken heart again.
But what does he care?
He is off; chasing another skirt.
Playing teh part of Prince Charming
While i am here stuck in a tower,
with no step-mothers or wicked witches to blame.

i only have myself.

But this time?
this time there is no fake prince charming to save me.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pinter is melting clocks

Ok! so This was from a two days ago, but in class we were looking at diffrent arts. We looked at the great Picaso, and Polc. (spelled right? probably not). We looked at amazing Renisance arts and modern art. We also listened to music... and other stuff called 'music'.  You see, you dont just walk up to a Polc and say "this is a rainbow sneeze". You cant approuch a master-piec and try to make sence of it when it doesnt make sense at all! Judging a painting is just like reading a play. You have nho clue waht it's about t first. Almost like a blank canvas; open to alll interpritation. Then after looking at it for a while, you can attempt to figure something and come up with a theory. and wow, my spelling is atrouvhous! yaa.....need to get spell chack, so off topic! Now getting back on track.... I really like the way Ms.Aladren explained to us Pinter's views. His basic mind set of theater is this;
two people in a room and one persaon walks in.
That's it. Simple. easy. complicated. i love every bit off it.
The simplicity leaves room for imagination and interpritation.
Wish me Luck world,
Hayley Michelle

I think my cat's reading my diary....

PG= 100

Ok. Im trying to write, but nothing is coming to mind. Im really running dry this weekend, so im writing on this on my phone and watching The Britney Spears episode from Glee. I love glee, as you may notice in previous journals. Brittney (not Brottney, Brittney) from glee is SOOOOOO funny! These have to be my favorite quotes of ALL time!(from least)

-"I don't brush my teeth. I rinse my mouth out with soda after I eat. I was pretty sure Dr Pepper was a dentist."
-"I think my cat is reading my diary.."
- "It works best when you pretend like you're getting tasered. It's like cool epilepsy." -"Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks?"
The writers are great and super funny. I cant really write funny quotes, but i can be pretty dramatic...i mean ,you'd NEVER guess..right? (hahahaha...oh...sarcasm). Oh ya, well anywho...... Now i am listening to the sound track from "Yentel". You know, that movie is really only watched by Jews. See, now i can talk about Jews, cuz im a jew. We rock. IO mean, we get SO much media. Like, all the best Movies have/are about Jewish peoples and religion and making fun of us. You know what the most ironic part of taht is? Most of the movies that are making fun of jewish people, are written by jews?!?! I mean, not only are we in movies, but we're in spamalot!!!!

"In any great adventure,that you don't want to lose,
victory depends upon the poeple that you choose.
So, listen, Arthur darling, closely to this news:
We won't succeed on Broadway,
If you don't have any Jews.

You may have the finest sets,
Fill the stage with penthouse pets,
You may have the loveliest costumes and best shoes.
You my dance and you may sing,
But I'm sorry, Arthur king,
You'll hear no cheers,
Just lots and lots of boos.
There simply must be,
Arthur trust me,
Simply must be Jews." - SPAMALOT =}

Also, we rock the martail arts. wha?!?! you may ask? well, they dont call it JEW-JUTSUI FOR NOTHING! thats a bad joke, i need to get out more. I also have to stop being racist....and i promise that i wont quote Avenue Q, so i wont...but its realllllly funny. Wow, this blog has alot of quote sin it. Perhaps i quote to much....nah!
Ok so today in theatre (? spelling right? yes sir!) we watched an excerpt for "True West" by Sam Shepard. I LOVED IT! IT BLEW MY BRAIN OUT OF MY HEAD! (ha! like it was there in the first place!). We also looked at a master-class reciting shakespeare. I love shakespeare...a jew. well, in my head he's a jew. Anyways, i started crying when They did the first reading of Richard the III. One of my main goals in life is to get into a travling ShakeSpeare act when i get out of collage with  a doctorate degree. Yuppers, i want to be a doctor. in theatre. I also collect Romeo and Julliet books, so now everyone knows what to get me for my birthday if anyone remembers! See? im simple. I love Romeo and Juleit, i love reading the diffrent adaptations and the original from shakespeare. I love watching it, and i never get board. You know what i've always wanted to do by shakespeare? Othello. i've always wanted to have a stage death where i a strangled/sufficated to death. Anyways, going to try writing.
wish me luck worl. Shalom.
Hayley Michelle

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Through my Brown eyes

Ok. This is my first joural on Harold Pinter's "Old Times". I secretly finished it in less than an hour; facinated by the choas that in which it has made of my brain. Throughly, i love it. My eyes glued to the paper with intense excitment, in not wanting a meaning but enjoying the randomness it was. I loved how it truely had no plot line. It was alike Burried child; the plot burried. But this plot was 6ft under with a concret layer on top; almost invisible. But i loved it. Why? beacsue it left so much to the imagination, that this play was truely whatever iw anted it to be. Through my brown eyes i enturpreted it like this:
Kate is insaine. She is imagining the images of Anna and Deeley, who she had butally murdered. Kate was living with Anna at the time, twenty-something years ago....when it all began. Deeley was 'dating' Kate at the time, whe he was having an affair with Anna, who fell in love with him. Kate found out and was enragded and killed both of them. Now the PLAY was Kate reliving them throguh their ghoshts. For she truely never was loved, and now they (anna and Deeley) are fighting for Kate's attention and affection. Anna and Deeley arn't reall there, only figures of the imagination.
But thats how i enturpreteded it. For the rest of my journals on "old times", i will probably re-read and come up with a new more interesting plot line, are just little notes on pinter. But i love his work, and the insainity of his play.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Queen and Pink Floyd VS Sesemea Street

PG= 100

Ok. not alot going on today, SUPER board! Starting to write my plays. I have 2 good (well what i think is good) ideas for plays. Wish me luck! Listening to Queen, the god of music. They're CD "Night at the Opera" is GENIUS! But anyways, today we learned about to 'understand?' Harold Pinter's "old times". Perhaps this is a topic for another blog, but i just wanted to mention it. Plus, at the end i slouched over leaning on my back-pack. Aperantly, it looked as if i was clinging to it for life! That's what they said, like i was PRAYING for class to be over! I like theater! Im just really tired latley, i dont even know why..its like, i dont care. But yet i do, is that confusing? oh well, We also looked at Really wierd music. I liked it but i wouldnt consider it music. Queen, now THATS music. Freddie Murcury is GOD! I worship him, becasue he rocks. Now im listening to "the Profits song" . Its as abstract as i will get...sorry, i take that back PINK FLOYD. I watch "The Wall"...and understood it!
Babysitting tonight. uggg... Kids are really cute, you know? i mean i dont want one beacsue i dont feel like being fat for 9 month and then pushing out a watermellon. But babysitting, is a happy medium. I think its really funny how Boys get easly distracted more than girls. Tonght im babysitting Eddie who lives down the block. He's 4 and all i have to do is put on Seseme Street. I promised him that when i am able to drive, i'd take him to Sesema Place. That place is MESSED UP! I remember going there when i was little only becasue i saw Big bird and Elmo get into a fist fight. The people that work there are either:

A- taking drugs
B-  all females at "that time of month"
C- 40 year old virgins living with their Mom's
D- All of the above

I loved Sesemae Street when i was little. Wow, notice how i never spell Sesemea the same way? really, how do you spell it?!?! Sorry, off topic. I wish that Sesemea Street was like 'Avenue Q'...on second thought....Sesemea Street should be like Semi-Pro Wrestling! Ya! see, now THATS something i would watch. Like Elmo talking down The cookie Monster for the champion ship belt. You know what i think is messed up? They dont have the cookie monster...its now green, and the veggie monster. APARENTLYYYYY the media says "the cookie monster is teaching kids that its ok to eat un-healthy foods, and is making americia obeast". No. you know whats making Amercia obeast? McDonalds!!!!! I hate them, first off... if i had a mascot i wouldnt have a clown that looks like he's using meth inbetween filming commericials for they're fat induced products. I hate clowns, they defy almost 29 fashion codes. Also,  I hate Ronald McDonald. The dudes scray, SORRY! someone had to say it! But seriously, we have so manyMcdonalds, and thats the reason. Plus Americia's Big ego may add a few pounds. Sorry, im not a big fan of Americia now. I was a fan of Americia in the 40's and the 80's. Thats about it.
FRANCE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
But anyway, ya. thats about it. This is my blog. hardy-har-har hut. Anyways going to start writing in my other blog and then on my plays. Perhaps ill tell you all about them next blog. maybe.
Wish me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle

Monday, October 4, 2010


PG= 100

Ok. first off, snaps for my theater Teacher Ms.Aladren for totally making my head hurt today!!! (just kidding, but thanks for the awsome comment about my rampage of funny). Today we had to do many phsical things. So, we did this excersize about pretending to be dead and one person is a bear trying to get as to crack up. And her i am; being the person to laugh SO darn easily, i was the first out.
Fiona; (female glen), was the bear and i felt like she was more of an orangotang.
Picking of the ones to laugh easy first, i cracked up. I just cant keep a stright face...unless its poker. =)

"Cant read my, cant read my no you cant read my, poker face......" - epic quote from Lady Gaga.

Also, my friends are over and we are watching previous Tony award shows. Ive always wanted to be one of those toothpic models that hand out the awards at the tony's. Have you ever notcied that they never stop smiling?!?!?! I mean, seriously, I want to know what kind of coffee THEIR drinking. But still, it would be pretty sweet. So we were making our OWN awards show called; they besties! (the besties, for you know, the bust stuff EVER!) So our opening number was a renactment of Glee's "Dont Stop Believing", quite badly. We did it outside and the neighbors are like. WHA?!?!?!?hahaha, but anyway, then we gave the bestie for "best support", and we awarded "Nutella". the thing thats always backstage for you. Then we gave the bestie for "best-meltdown-in-the-middle-of-time-square" to me!
Ya, i flipped out at my friend in the middle of Timesquare (like last week) about how Cucumbers are pickles dipped in evil. Ya, i pretty sure its up on youtube. Also, my favorite award of the night, was when we awarded the HIGHEST honnor to a broaway show. It went to "Man of LaMancha", for being my ringtone. Yuppers, it was epic. 'Aldonza' is my ringtone. Can't wait for next years Besties, which will probably be in an hour becasue my friends are really getting tired of watching me type up this blog. Anyways, all my Besties of friends say hi to whoever is reading this.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle and Company

Friday, October 1, 2010

Glee, stupid bacon, and Fudge (not fudge). JUST WOW


Today was suposed to be our 1st glee meeting. But i couldnt go. I REALLY  wanted to go to glee. I remember counting down the hours until our first re-hersal. No really, im not joking you. And now i cant go becasue i dont want to fail theater  and it....ticks me off.....i mean, Angers me.
Sorry, i dont curse. I find it to rude and un-lady like. Instad I'll say random things to replace curses like:
"Fudge that Mother Fudger who Fudgin put Fudgin Glee Club for Fudgin Theater!"
It just makes me angry. You know what else makes me angry? Canada...they've had it too good for too long. I mean, Canada is NOTHING! Its not a province, a state, country, a contenient; ITS NOTHING! Also they accents hurt my ears, and they have canadain bacon. ITS NOT EVEN BACON! Fudge candada! Also, i dont really like their politics. I mean, they couldn't be any more messed up than our own. I support the idea of a monarchy. But while we're on the topic of Politics..I have the GREATEST idea to solve all of Americia's problems:
Step 1: We annex Mexico, so that more than half of our hardest gardeners can be leagal.
Step 2: Pay more to the middle classmen and less to the rich. (yes you, Charlie, from 2 and a half men, with the 2million dollar paycheck!)
Step 3: Offer an Olive Branch to terrorists.
Step 4: Make "i cant believe its not butter" out of the gulf of mexico. No really. They first ingreedent in "I cant believe its not butter" is crude oil, and then glutose sugar. So all we need is 50,000 lbs of sugar and a reallllly big spatual to whip it up...and then we have saved the world!

Ok, but enoguh about politics. Today in theater, we learned about the truth.
Nothing good comes from the truth; i learned that when i was in first grade and said
"yes Ms.Slayter. I drew the picture of Sam Sidhom eating glue with sharpie on the chalk board..."
But i mean, sometimes the truth can make you feel better about yourself...and sometimes it doesnt. But that's life!
So we had to describe everyone in 1 word. I got this;
- J.A.P. (Jew Americian Princess) (actually, im more of a queen)
- Loud
- Abnoxois
- Annoying
- Outgoing
- Insecure
- happy
- Just 'wow'.

I mean, its bassically what i expected, but what took me off gaurd was "insecure" and "Just 'wow'". I mean, I can be insicure alot, but does it really show? And also.."Just 'wow'" hurt. Now i think that that is funny beacsaue i take J.A.P as a compliment. I dont know what just 'wow'  means! I mean, is it good? like, WOW she's awsome? or WOW, this bitch is annoying, where's the ductape?
Sometimes, people just hate me. I dont really understand why, i mean, im nice. sure im load and i tend to get bitchy when you talk about music and sing flat, but thats me. Sadly. I honestly didnt here one REALLY good thing about me. I mean, everyone else got like "Cute" and "Funny", but i got.."just 'wow'". 
Well, just wow....on this blog.
jsut wow.
Wish me Luck,
Hayley Michelle