Friday, October 1, 2010

Glee, stupid bacon, and Fudge (not fudge). JUST WOW


Today was suposed to be our 1st glee meeting. But i couldnt go. I REALLY  wanted to go to glee. I remember counting down the hours until our first re-hersal. No really, im not joking you. And now i cant go becasue i dont want to fail theater  and it....ticks me off.....i mean, Angers me.
Sorry, i dont curse. I find it to rude and un-lady like. Instad I'll say random things to replace curses like:
"Fudge that Mother Fudger who Fudgin put Fudgin Glee Club for Fudgin Theater!"
It just makes me angry. You know what else makes me angry? Canada...they've had it too good for too long. I mean, Canada is NOTHING! Its not a province, a state, country, a contenient; ITS NOTHING! Also they accents hurt my ears, and they have canadain bacon. ITS NOT EVEN BACON! Fudge candada! Also, i dont really like their politics. I mean, they couldn't be any more messed up than our own. I support the idea of a monarchy. But while we're on the topic of Politics..I have the GREATEST idea to solve all of Americia's problems:
Step 1: We annex Mexico, so that more than half of our hardest gardeners can be leagal.
Step 2: Pay more to the middle classmen and less to the rich. (yes you, Charlie, from 2 and a half men, with the 2million dollar paycheck!)
Step 3: Offer an Olive Branch to terrorists.
Step 4: Make "i cant believe its not butter" out of the gulf of mexico. No really. They first ingreedent in "I cant believe its not butter" is crude oil, and then glutose sugar. So all we need is 50,000 lbs of sugar and a reallllly big spatual to whip it up...and then we have saved the world!

Ok, but enoguh about politics. Today in theater, we learned about the truth.
Nothing good comes from the truth; i learned that when i was in first grade and said
"yes Ms.Slayter. I drew the picture of Sam Sidhom eating glue with sharpie on the chalk board..."
But i mean, sometimes the truth can make you feel better about yourself...and sometimes it doesnt. But that's life!
So we had to describe everyone in 1 word. I got this;
- J.A.P. (Jew Americian Princess) (actually, im more of a queen)
- Loud
- Abnoxois
- Annoying
- Outgoing
- Insecure
- happy
- Just 'wow'.

I mean, its bassically what i expected, but what took me off gaurd was "insecure" and "Just 'wow'". I mean, I can be insicure alot, but does it really show? And also.."Just 'wow'" hurt. Now i think that that is funny beacsaue i take J.A.P as a compliment. I dont know what just 'wow'  means! I mean, is it good? like, WOW she's awsome? or WOW, this bitch is annoying, where's the ductape?
Sometimes, people just hate me. I dont really understand why, i mean, im nice. sure im load and i tend to get bitchy when you talk about music and sing flat, but thats me. Sadly. I honestly didnt here one REALLY good thing about me. I mean, everyone else got like "Cute" and "Funny", but i got.."just 'wow'". 
Well, just wow....on this blog.
jsut wow.
Wish me Luck,
Hayley Michelle

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