Thursday, October 7, 2010



Ok. I had this idea last night around..3 in the mourning? ok. So i don't know if i want to encorprit it into a play, but at the moment it's a monolugue. Here it is:

He told me i was beautiful
when i wasnt.
He told me "its ok"
when i tnever was.
He told me "ill be there"
But he never will be.
He told me that nobody could wear pigtales like me,
when he kissed me under the swings in 1st grade,
He told me he liked my dress,
when he really liked what was underneath.
He said "I love you"
when he didint.
He said "I care"
But he doesnt.
He said "Forever and Always"
But forever ended at dawn.
Everything he
felt for me?

was a lie.

I lived in a fantasy world.
I believed that he was my prince charming,
I even fell for his stupid love song.
But he wasn't a prince; an actor.
I have never met somebody that can act like him.
But he is only fake;
So the award goes to him,
For the best pre-formance of the year.
He made a girl believe that he loved her.
He broke her like Humpty - Dumty.
And all the kings horses, and all the kings men could never fix her broken heart again.
But what does he care?
He is off; chasing another skirt.
Playing teh part of Prince Charming
While i am here stuck in a tower,
with no step-mothers or wicked witches to blame.

i only have myself.

But this time?
this time there is no fake prince charming to save me.

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