Saturday, October 9, 2010


Ok. I know today is saturday, and i wont get cridit for it; but im going to blog anyways. I love to blog; its fun. OMG, i was telling my friends about it and then we just started saying "blogg-a"". What does that even mean? you get a cookie if you tell me the definition!
Ok, so anyways, i had the WEIRDEST dream last night; and i thoguht to myself 3 things;

1. i need to stop watching "Kolchack; the nightstalker" right before i go to sleep.
2. Gabe hair is really puffy; like a mini-afro. (OMG, like goldy lox from the 70's!)
3. this is SO going into my blog

So, last night i dreamed that i was older, like in my senior year, and Ms.Aladren was teaching a lesson. Then Adjenea and Jessicia started humming somthing, and then we all got up and did the saftey dance. Next thing i know; we're all outside (still dancing). Usally i get dreams like this, but normally to brittney spears music or Heart. What freaked me out was that Gabe was dressed-up like Dr.Frank-n-furter from the rocky horror picture show, and we were all wearing costumes. I'm pretty sure that i was dress-up like cher (or the lawn chair of Liberatchi). But the piont is; it  was really wierd and awsome! Oh, I ALMOST FORGOT THE BEST PART OF MY DREAM! there were little casey clones, but it was like an army. thet were sooooooooo tiny! (they represt munchkin land!i love the Wizard of oz!) so ya, that was my wierd dream.
On friday we had a guest artist! (he looked like john stamos to me).  It was awsome, and before i say anything insulting to anyway any further;  i want to take this blog to officially apologize to Fiona. Sorry! ya...for those who have no clue what im talking about......its best you dont know what im talking about.
I started writing some stand-up, even though i dont think its good. I mean, acting is easy, labor is easy,life is easy; COMEDY IS NOT EASY! Its hard to be funny; I mean, im funny unintentionally, and when i try to be funny they're all like "Hayley, what the hell are you doing?". So i was analayzing comedy, and i found that physical pain is funny. I mean, as long as YOUR not in pain its funny. other people, ya, OTHER people in pain is funny. You know who else is funny? the three stooges. I love how the bald guy  is curly. Its like...really funny. I think Glen should be curly; he looks bald. I mean, really, it looks like he's bald. I can tell; because his head is really shiny and big. probably full of gummy-bears. My heads pretty big; buts its full of BRAIN! i just only use like...1% of it. OMG, you know that we are all telachonisis? ya, we all have this special part in our brain that makes us X-MEN! But nobody knows how to use it yet...except for canadians...
It would be pretty cool to be an X-men, i mean, i could mess with people for being wierd. Like, revenge. Also, i could hang out with Huege Jackman! (its not how he spells is name, but its as close as i'll ever get!)
I watched X-men once; it was really good, but the frog guy is scary. I mean, i'm totally against disecting frogs, but he should seriously neeed-to-go.
I dont like disecting frogs becasue i mean...the frog could be a prince! And if we disect frog Princes..well then..
So i'm totally against hurting animals..i mean, im being a hypocrite when i say this because im a fail vegitarian. Well, more like vegan. definatly a fail vegan. You see; i am an animal activist. I love animals; but dammit they taste good with ketchup! I mean, its not my fault that wilber is so dellicious! I BLAME FAMOUS DAVE'S!. I dont eat cow though, and i rarley eat pig. Sometimes i eat chicken but its ok.
They're alians.
I'm positive that they came on the same space-ship as lady gaga. Chickens can live up to 4 weeks without they're head; now if that doesnt scream alien, then i dont know what! But also, i dont eat eggs, becasue they little chicken phetusis. I can't eat a baby! thats just wrong. Chesse though, i eat chesse. i love cheese, so i could never part with it. I mean, who DOESNT love chesse?!?! exactly, no -one! well, anyway i have to go clean my room. UGG
Wish me Luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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