Monday, October 25, 2010

still sick and still reading

still sick, damit.
i possibly may have the worlds worst immune system. i cant be sick. Last time i was sick; the doctor wanted to re-move my tonsels;
\and then i could never sing again.
So i overdosed on my medicine and made a miracle recover in a week. (tonsilitus).The slittest sneeze can make me have a anomnia. So i am taking extra shots of airbone (one ever 30minutes), 4 tolynols, and not moving from my bed (typing this on phone). I'm phco-health consious. (lol, like ms.Pillsburry but less ginger).
i seriously cant stand being sick; i feel like a loner; i need movement! how can animals sleep for so long! I can barley stay in my bed for more than 2 hours (i seriously dont sleep); how the fudg ecan they last ALLL winter@! and dont they get hungry?
(lol; i ate 3 pop-tarts today; FATTY! i used my eliptical...still feeling sick and lazy).

But that's not what this blog is about! This is about "Death and the Kings Horseman" (sadly).
two broken thumbs down.
I was confussed. Most people get lost in the sheakespear part of the play; sadly it was the only part i understood. I try to find a meaning; but i dont really wanna know. It didnt peak my intrest at all; lol, felt like hybernating! (alseep the whole time).
It wasnt the play for me. If the play was like the first act thourly, than perhaps i would have enjoyed it more. I really love the victorian/ shakespearian plays, about love and chants and gods and kings. I dont care for modern plays, although being tyhe hypocrite that i am i go and see like 12 modedrn plays a year. I love to read plays that are ubscure and have absolutly no meaning; the fun is finding and capturing the meaning. Going into a deep state of mind were you ARE the playt. i love that feeling; and i felt nothing while reading this play.
Wish me Luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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