Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chelsey has a small mouth, Casey has no eyebrows, and i have been thinking to much


ok! so today we did itsy-bitsy-tinny-weeney- misner. ITs was fun; even though i feel like i shouldn't say that. I was soooo un-sure if i was doing it right; but i was thinking to much! i really need to stop thinking so much; or more as i need to loosen up.  I can't wait til i'm a senior and i get to mess with freshmen. WE had alot of fun today. Ms. Aladren did a misner with the seniors; and said that Chelsey had a small mouth for her big head. I thought it was So funny! i don't like to say things about people; because it makes me look like a jerk (AKA Bill Clinton). But in misner i have no problem with it; beacuse it's acting. I kinda look foward to the next time i can! Then when we were doing misner with the seniors, Hannah told Casey that she had no eyebrows! they're there...i think. no, she has light eyebrows. ANd then everybody was fueling off of that...poor casey! I'm SO excited for the concert. I'm backstage now, and i am going to try and upload pictures of me back stage. ITS SO EXCITING! i'm looking foward to the after party with Olivia. I havn't seen Olivia since we work on "Revenge is Sweeter than you". I really miss summer; i was recording the whole time; but i had SO much fun! I recorded 3 demo albums; and i met Olivia through that. She was a studio artist; and so was Teddy,Adam,Andre, Gina and John. they're all AMAZING musicians; snaps for them!
Olivia's dad is Mike Farrer; who is the drummer for Guns-n-Roses. He's really great; and i get alot of connections through that! I might even tour with him this summer!
Teddy is this hot guy who sounds just like the lead singer from U2. he's an AMAZING guitarist, and looks like a brittish Justin Booger face.
Adam; who is my Jimmy Hendrix, loves to push my buttons. Its ok; i love to break his buttons.
Andre is...a creeper. He has a crush on me, and its scary because he's special needs and 19. He's an amazing drummer though. And i love him for that.
Gina is a bitch. that's the only way to describe her. She does base guitar.
John; does piano fills for us; he is nice and we sing Bohimian Rhapsody together.

I love recording with those guys; and we are starting recording on my new album; which will finally be relseaed! (i hope.)
Wish me Luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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