Friday, October 22, 2010

the bear named Poop..sorry Pooh. (SAME DIFFRENCE!)


lol, i FINALLY got my norton back; THANK GOD CHELSELEY! so this whole day i will be posting several journals for "Death and the Kings Horseman". But anyways; this journal is a free write!

So yesterday; i was watching my little cousin's Micheal and Eric. Micheal is the only cusin that i love; the others could die for all i care. Last family reunion? My cousin zack tried to kill me! rude!but its ok; i punched him the eye. Ya, our family reunion's get scary... sometimes i feel like my my family reunion is a comic wrestling match of doom. I mean; its only scary when my family actually shows up...if nobody shows up we just order pizza and watch football and go polar dipping. (swimming in winter).
But getting  back to my cousin story... Micheal is my awsome cusin. I like him becasue he is young and i can mold him into the perfect slave..i mean relitive. ya..perfect relitive...hehe...he.he....
His little brother Eric; is doomed. He is going to grow up and be a mime; and nobody likes a mime. He doesn't talk. he's 4 and still can't talk. But yet..i love the little mime so. He's cute and VERY expressive; he should be a hand model. He is very carismatic.
So to distract them, i put on whinney the pooh for Eric. Micheal and i were playing dinisours. WHAT? i can't have fun and play dinosaurse? When i was little i was too mature to play with all of those things; i  was busy writing durring recess. so now i am un-maturing (is that a word? its should be), and acting like a 6 year old. Its a good age. Oh! and here's a little tip Ms.Aladren..
When your babies grow to be the age of six ALWAYS be the Indians when you play "Cowboy's and Indians". Because the indians always take a traibal attack on the cowboys and next thing you know.. a friendly game of Cowboy's and indains turns into the Salem witch trials with someone buring at the stake..

SO! getting of topic again, Eric was watching Whinny the pooh. First off.. who names a bear pooh?!!!/ It's like..poop/ (hahah funny word). That is a terrible name! oh well it could be worse..its name could be agnus. (hahha canadian name). Plus, Why is the rabit growing majic mushrooms? IN THE MAJICAL FOREST!?!?! I mean, i could see who's useing it...(tigger). And what the hell is with the depresed cross-dressing donkey! I mean, he is a what the fudge with the pink bow on his tail! the pink thing a guy or a girl!
SWEET TRANSVESTITE...FROM SENSATIONAL.TRANSYLVANIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (rocky i smella school play coing on!)
Also, what kind of parents let a little boy out to go play in a majical forest with an obeast bear, a bunny that sells drugs, and cross dressing animals?!!?!?!

So i just changed it to Iron Man.
Much better.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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