Friday, October 29, 2010



so for haloween, im going to a rocky weekend! awsome Rocky convetion tonight, then tommarrow going up to NY to see it in the original theater it first aired (the midnight showing) AND i'm acting it out; im columbia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!~
and then to finish up my rocky-ness; im going to take Dave to see the final day of the convention. he's the perefct brad for me. he's really stupid thoguh; becasue he isnt getting teh hint that i wanna be his girlfriend. i mean; HOW MUCH MORE OBVIOUS CAN I GET! every time i see a couple walk by; or somthing couples do togther (like we do), i say things and emphisize on the wordd GIRLFRIEND, or BOYFRIEND, or ASK OUT. we'vee been on alot of dates; but i'm starting to worry. what if he doesnt wanna be serious with me? but sunday i am DETERMINED to make Dave my boyfriend.
wish me luck,
Hayley michelle

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