Monday, October 18, 2010

GABE IS AN ALIEN!..or candian. you pick

Hell-o ya'll. This blog is specifically for Ms.Aladren(or well, this part is)
HI MS.ALADREN! Becasue you weren't here today, i will now nicley fill you in on what haoppned. First off; i went to the Mainoffice (like the note posted on the door said) and then tehy told me to go get this teacher. I couldn't find her; so i came to the class aLate. She is teh dance teach, im blanking on her name. let's call her "jennifer Grey" (she remindes me off her from "Dirty Dancing"). so we had a choice of Dancing, or hiding in the closet. Gabe, Fiona, Alley and I decided to dance. Fiona quit, and Alley had to leave; so it left me with Gabe and all the other toothpics that dance. First off; let me feel free to say that i can't dance for my life. No, i'm not fudging with you; i stick like a skunk when it comes to dance. So far i've been kicked out of exactly 16 dance classes for sucking SOOOO much.
but i actually didnt epically fail today! Still, gabe was better than every person in there. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!!!!!!?????!!!?!?!?! Gabe is SO flexible, and bendy (sorta like a barbie/ rubber pencil. admit it; once in your life you have made a pencil look rubber. DONT DENY IT!) I don;t bend; i have lack of muscles. Plus my legs are SO damn long, and my arms are like...little sticks. i cant even reach my toes! (more sadness). Have you ever seen a T-rex? I'm sorta like that. I have a big head; and little arms. So anywho, gabe rocked my socks and was AMAZING! I asked him how he can dance like that; cuz it was fudging insaine! He said "8 years of dance class", but i found a Much more believe answer:

GABE IS AN ALIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

or canadian....

I havn't decided; he's probably both. You know, most people that are famous are Candian. Celien Dion, Sandra Bullock, Avril Lavigne, Lady GaGa...and they're all aliens! So, my final decition is that Gabe is a canadian alien. Its the only explination...... thoughts?
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

(PS: i need to get my hands on my Norton, CHELSEY IF YOUR READING THIS I NEED MY NORTON 2MARROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

ok. Now this is OFICALLY goodbye.

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