Friday, October 15, 2010



HI YA'LL! Sorry for my lack of journals on "death and the King's horseman" , but my kindle deleted it (grr) and chelsey has muh copy of the Norton. So i can get it back on Monday. I will post extra journals next week. PROMISE! So i'm here with my BFFL: Olivia Ferrer!
Olivia says hi, everybody. She also loves harrision; (her boyfriend at the moment). So anyways, we were at Damon's and we were making fun of ramdom people. I know it sounds rude, but its so much fun! We'd just walk up to a random person, and start talknig to them as if we knew them all our lives! I would call them awsome names like bob. and boberina. and boberino. the GREAT Bobbera!
inside jokes! So we are now watching "bye, Bye, Birdie". Its her school play, DAMN HER! so lucky. She looks like katie; HI KATIE!
omg, katie and i, and a bunch of other pretty peoplein my gym were playing guitar 2daY. iT WAS FUN
going 2 New York tommarrow; meeting dave! (hope Micheal doesnt find out!). I love new york; i love everything about it! The stores, the hobos, the smell, the sewers, the buildings, the music, the taxi driver that looks like Aladin, the everything! (lol, sorry Alladin!). i'm so racist. i never was racist;  am cleaner than white bread; like...mayonase. I might as well be christain for gods sake; im that clean. But i like it; becasue i'm innocent.
HAHAHAHHA...oh funny joke.... Speaking of funny jokes; my friend told me the the most FUNNIEST joke EVER; but i forgot it. lolz, i got hit on by a 5th grade today! Ya, why is it that the guys that are attracted to me either smoke everything but tabbacco, have ADD, or are in fudging 5th grade! Damn my sexispeal! it seems like every guy that hits on me is a stalker also.. i have 3 restraing order; no fudging joke.
I hate living in NJ, beasue there are no cute (stright) guys that are decent. All the hot guys are jerks/ and or gay. And all the nerdy guys are stalkers that aparently want to touch my non-exisiting boobs. i got into a fight with danny about that today. I shouldn't really be talking about this; but its like my Journal. a dairy almost. You see, i have no shame with telling the world all the crap that happens in my life; beacuse if i tell the world everything, then i have nothing to hide. I have no shame, and i have nothing that they can integrigate me for.
What were we talking about again? oh yes; Danny. That little lying, low life perv! I hate him.
You probably dont know what the hell i'm talknig about; but seriously, its best that you you dont know.
All you need to know is that; he is a bitch that i was on and off dating for 5 years until he took all my firnds virginities and then made out with my BFFL in the back of my car while we were still dating, and then thinking im over-reacting when i find out.
Anyways, this blog is way to pewrsonal; i shouldnt post it, but  dont wanna fail.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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