Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Queen and Pink Floyd VS Sesemea Street

PG= 100

Ok. not alot going on today, SUPER board! Starting to write my plays. I have 2 good (well what i think is good) ideas for plays. Wish me luck! Listening to Queen, the god of music. They're CD "Night at the Opera" is GENIUS! But anyways, today we learned about ....how to 'understand?' Harold Pinter's "old times". Perhaps this is a topic for another blog, but i just wanted to mention it. Plus, at the end i slouched over leaning on my back-pack. Aperantly, it looked as if i was clinging to it for life! That's what they said, like i was PRAYING for class to be over! I like theater! Im just really tired latley, i dont even know why..its like, i dont care. But yet i do, is that confusing? oh well, We also looked at Really wierd music. I liked it but i wouldnt consider it music. Queen, now THATS music. Freddie Murcury is GOD! I worship him, becasue he rocks. Now im listening to "the Profits song" . Its as abstract as i will get...sorry, i take that back PINK FLOYD. I watch "The Wall"...and understood it!
Babysitting tonight. uggg... Kids are really cute, you know? i mean i dont want one beacsue i dont feel like being fat for 9 month and then pushing out a watermellon. But babysitting, is a happy medium. I think its really funny how Boys get easly distracted more than girls. Tonght im babysitting Eddie who lives down the block. He's 4 and all i have to do is put on Seseme Street. I promised him that when i am able to drive, i'd take him to Sesema Place. That place is MESSED UP! I remember going there when i was little only becasue i saw Big bird and Elmo get into a fist fight. The people that work there are either:

A- taking drugs
B-  all females at "that time of month"
C- 40 year old virgins living with their Mom's
D- All of the above

I loved Sesemae Street when i was little. Wow, notice how i never spell Sesemea the same way? really, how do you spell it?!?! Sorry, off topic. I wish that Sesemea Street was like 'Avenue Q'...on second thought....Sesemea Street should be like Semi-Pro Wrestling! Ya! see, now THATS something i would watch. Like Elmo talking down The cookie Monster for the champion ship belt. You know what i think is messed up? They dont have the cookie monster...its now green, and the veggie monster. APARENTLYYYYY the media says "the cookie monster is teaching kids that its ok to eat un-healthy foods, and is making americia obeast". No. you know whats making Amercia obeast? McDonalds!!!!! I hate them, first off... if i had a mascot i wouldnt have a clown that looks like he's using meth inbetween filming commericials for they're fat induced products. I hate clowns, they defy almost 29 fashion codes. Also,  I hate Ronald McDonald. The dudes scray, SORRY! someone had to say it! But seriously, we have so manyMcdonalds, and thats the reason. Plus Americia's Big ego may add a few pounds. Sorry, im not a big fan of Americia now. I was a fan of Americia in the 40's and the 80's. Thats about it.
FRANCE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
But anyway, ya. thats about it. This is my blog. hardy-har-har hut. Anyways going to start writing in my other blog and then on my plays. Perhaps ill tell you all about them next blog. maybe.
Wish me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle

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