Monday, October 25, 2010

Lincoln: great president, terrible tunnel


home sich today,
i was SO looking foward to pajama day. I even got new PJ's with tweety on them....and isnt shaw louse coming today?
oh well; it gives me some time for facials, and drinking tea. i hate being sick; it makes me feel week and vanurable. HI EVERYONE THAT IM MISSING IN SCHOOL! i miss you all, except you. (you know who you are....)
It's also crazy hair day at my old school. Last year me and my freinds got bald caps for crazy hair day. i had like...23 people (including me) just walk around completely bald. We even got our own page; the cue-ballz.

HAHAH! good times.... anywho, looking at pictures of New York.
OMG, when i was in NY on saturday i passed a sighn that said
"Lincoln; great president, terrible tunnel. use the train".
It was hallarious!
Dammit! i HATE being sick! i wanna be in school!
(wow, did i really jsut say that?)
i'm still in my Awsome PJ's i was gonna wear, and i feel fudgy becasue nobody's here to see how awsome i look.
God; i'm the most vain in-sucure person ever!
hahaha....asurg desiese.
Sorry; mind fart, thinking of last blog. HAHAHAHAHHA...such a funny name.
There's nothing on TV; and i'm online googling Johnathan Greoff.
WHY ARE ALL THE HOT GUYS GAY!?!?!?!/!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
That's the only fault i find with france; they have everything but strieght guys.
I love Johnathan greoff; i'm president of his Fan club on DA, but im not one of those obbessed fans. I hate those stupid fan girls that worship posters of teen-heart throbs like Justin Booger face and Bogus brothers.
I hate it when they say
"we're gonna have 3 kids, julioe, arron, carmen,.....and we're gonna meet in a concer tn he'll love me forever, and ever, and ever. and ev..."
it makles meh angry. he's a celeberty; he's never gonna meet you; your just another fan, no one special.
wow, that sounded harsh......but its reality.
i respect Johnathan Groeff, and ya; it would be awsome to meet him. but he's just another person that's really lucky in my eyes. But im not gonna faint everytime you say his name like those uber-fans.
hahah...uber is a funny word.
Anyways going to practice harp
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

(actually its a lyre...same diffrence!)

1 comment:

  1. Do you have that tunnel sign picture? Can you post it here? I passed the sign yesterday but I didn't have my camera handy.
