Tuesday, October 12, 2010


PG= 100

Today was REALLLLLLLY awsome! after school i went to go and meet Dave. I told everyone that i would get my perfect kiss..
it was so ...so....what's that word? like electricity and cotton candy mixed together? it was just perfect. I just feel bad, becasue i havn't told micheal about dave. I don't know how he's going to re-act; but everything is fine; beacsue i'm neither of they're girlfirends. I love being single.
1. it gives me every right to sing "Single Ladies" by Beyonce.
2. I'm not tied down, so i can go on as many dates as i want with as many diffrent guys as i want to. AND IT WOULDN'T BE CHEATING!

plus, every guy kind just wants sex and it spears us both the dissapiontment when i tell him i'm not sleeping wit him and he never calls me again. I don't really get it; why are guys so wrapped up about sex? i mean, there are greater thing in life than sex...like choclate. and cheese. Of cheesy flavored choclate! Nobody understnads my views on that..i mean sex. I want to be a virgin for as long as i possibly can. I'm not stupid; i'm not going to just throw it away. I'm a traditionalist. I believe in sex after marragie, but i doubt i'm going to get married. I'm WAY to damanding. I can imagine myself as an old lady though. my poor husband to be...he wont' stand a cahnce. I mean, im such a drag.. my last boy-friend said that. It doesnt matter...he was a totally dick anyways. FUDGE_BALLS! i cursed..nooze! Wow, what am i even talknig about/ (this blog is SOOO inapropriate!). Anyways, today was perefct. but now i have to go to dance. I don't like dance; i have to wear tights. Tights are corsets for legs. I hate tights; they're trash and what happened in the 80's should STAY in the eighties. I mean, nobody wears tights except for ballerinia's and robbin hood. And i'm no ballerinia; i have as much grace as an elephant. calling me a dancer, is like saying Casey is a giant. I mean i dance; if we were in a dance compition i could kick your butt; i know the saftey dance, the mocharana, the sprinkler, and my favorite.... the guiddo fist pump. I used to be really good; but then i stopped going beacsue i sucked. I like to dance; i just suck like last years host for the VMA's. You know what else sucks? my hair. I tried curling it today, and it fell flat like a dead thing on my hed. I really want curly hair; i cant do a thing with my hair; its just strieght. like Tom cruise. Speaking of streight; Kevin came out as offically gay today! Kevin and Martin have been dating for almost 6 months now; thanks to me. Originally Kevin was bi, and we dated..well, summer fling. And then he broke up with me...for a guy. Like, my guy friend! But they're SO cute together, how can i be mad?!?! They're going to be together FOREVER! Martin's always been gay, i've known ever scince he asked me for a hanah Montana CD for his birthday in 5th grade. Martin is sorta like the black Kurt from Glee. But that's enough; i've said to much. This blog is making me feel disturbed. gosh, im wierd.
NOTE TO SELF; get out more.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley michelle

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