Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pinter is melting clocks

Ok! so This was from a two days ago, but in class we were looking at diffrent arts. We looked at the great Picaso, and Polc. (spelled right? probably not). We looked at amazing Renisance arts and modern art. We also listened to music... and other stuff called 'music'.  You see, you dont just walk up to a Polc and say "this is a rainbow sneeze". You cant approuch a master-piec and try to make sence of it when it doesnt make sense at all! Judging a painting is just like reading a play. You have nho clue waht it's about t first. Almost like a blank canvas; open to alll interpritation. Then after looking at it for a while, you can attempt to figure something and come up with a theory. and wow, my spelling is atrouvhous! yaa.....need to get spell chack, so off topic! Now getting back on track.... I really like the way Ms.Aladren explained to us Pinter's views. His basic mind set of theater is this;
two people in a room and one persaon walks in.
That's it. Simple. easy. complicated. i love every bit off it.
The simplicity leaves room for imagination and interpritation.
Wish me Luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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