Tuesday, October 19, 2010

HOME-SICK..well school sick


UGG! STILL don't have norton. CHELSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bring it tommarow please!!!!!
ok, that's all i really have to say. Today was SO boaring; i have nothing epic to blog about.
We had Talent show rehesal/auditions 2day. LOL, i didnt get to go. School let out RIGHT before i was gonig to go on. Oh wellz, try 2mmarow or just showup the day of the show. so far the acts were good; i had to hide in the girls dressing room that smells like pee/socks/peed on socks.
We need to get airfreshner's; its like someone breeded Cats in there. I just cant stand it anymore. WTF (wath the Fudge). Gabe and Glen rehersed for the senior showcase 2day; i was talking. SORRY! i didnt mean to; the girl next to me asked a question about the Talent show n i answered. I cant help that i'm loud.....i just naturally project.
Its my greatest Quality. I can get everyone's attention; im a human mocrophone. Some people hate me for it; but i like the fact that im loud. I dont really let it effect me that people dont like me.
I got my progress report yesterday; and my spanish teacher said that my grade was a 'B' because i "did'nt get along with the other people".  that the reason my grade was so low, was because the bitches hate me. it shouldn't effect my grade! I just wanna set this stright;
I dont hate them. They just hate me! But it dosent effect me; so i give back what i recive; hate.
Highschool is an intelectual waste land; i'm not here to make friends, because nobody wants to make friends with me. Im here to be sucessful; and if your not gonig to help me then get out of my way.
If you know me (and you all do), im a social butterfly, i go out of my way to be nice; but people just hate me. Even the theater freshmen. Its like they dont wanna be seen wih me. They're all friendly with eachother, but when it comes to me; they dont want anything to do with it.
I still have my old friends from my old school; i miss them so much. if it wasn't for my awsome theater class; i would have probably dropped out by now. i dont like it. My classes are too easy; the peole are too mean. but that's life. i've gotten used to it.
I REALLY miss my old friends; we used to  pass notes in the halls, we'd make fun of the cheerleaders, sing the mourning anouncements, create books and plays in lunch, sing "hey Jude" in the middle of the hallway. They understood me. I know i'll make firends; school jsut started. But sometimes you have to get used to walking the path alone.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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