Friday, October 22, 2010


OK! so here its the first journal! ok, so i was reading it..and i'm like.wha?????
but its just like shakespear. So i thoguht i could analyse this quote thati rallly liked, and surprisingly understood:

"Your name will be like a sweet berry a child places under his tounge to sweeten the pasage of food. The world will never spit you out." (1050).

This is the Praise-singer talking to Elesin. Elesin is in the market awaiting his new bride.(back then you were aloud to have more than one wife.) The praise-singer is talking about Elesin, as wanted by all; prasing him. That the world; (or those in the town, mainly his bride) will never get tired of him; that he will be eternally loved.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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