Monday, October 4, 2010


PG= 100

Ok. first off, snaps for my theater Teacher Ms.Aladren for totally making my head hurt today!!! (just kidding, but thanks for the awsome comment about my rampage of funny). Today we had to do many phsical things. So, we did this excersize about pretending to be dead and one person is a bear trying to get as to crack up. And her i am; being the person to laugh SO darn easily, i was the first out.
Fiona; (female glen), was the bear and i felt like she was more of an orangotang.
Picking of the ones to laugh easy first, i cracked up. I just cant keep a stright face...unless its poker. =)

"Cant read my, cant read my no you cant read my, poker face......" - epic quote from Lady Gaga.

Also, my friends are over and we are watching previous Tony award shows. Ive always wanted to be one of those toothpic models that hand out the awards at the tony's. Have you ever notcied that they never stop smiling?!?!?! I mean, seriously, I want to know what kind of coffee THEIR drinking. But still, it would be pretty sweet. So we were making our OWN awards show called; they besties! (the besties, for you know, the bust stuff EVER!) So our opening number was a renactment of Glee's "Dont Stop Believing", quite badly. We did it outside and the neighbors are like. WHA?!?!?!?hahaha, but anyway, then we gave the bestie for "best support", and we awarded "Nutella". the thing thats always backstage for you. Then we gave the bestie for "best-meltdown-in-the-middle-of-time-square" to me!
Ya, i flipped out at my friend in the middle of Timesquare (like last week) about how Cucumbers are pickles dipped in evil. Ya, i pretty sure its up on youtube. Also, my favorite award of the night, was when we awarded the HIGHEST honnor to a broaway show. It went to "Man of LaMancha", for being my ringtone. Yuppers, it was epic. 'Aldonza' is my ringtone. Can't wait for next years Besties, which will probably be in an hour becasue my friends are really getting tired of watching me type up this blog. Anyways, all my Besties of friends say hi to whoever is reading this.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle and Company

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