Sunday, October 24, 2010


PG=100 (even though i dont think it counts)

ok, so i promised ya'll that i'd tell you about how AWSOME the concert was.
first off; the opening band was HOT! also the cover band for journey was better than journey.
Every song they sang? I KNEW! and i'm not even that big of a journey fan... i just like going to concerts n parties.
So the lead singer looked like Fabio, and he was AMAZING!
the guitarist? HOT! i forgot his name but my friends that came with me all said that he looked like he should be called;
so..ya. the basist looked like susan boyle, (a man). and the pianist looked like the basist's clone. The drummer had an awsome mohawk!
i was up ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL night, and i had SO much fun!

So this mouring, i had a headache from all the awsomeness last nighty, and i went to six flags with my friend.
Six flags; more fags more fun!
(lol sorry. my friend came up with that last year. i find it funny and offensive at the same time!)
So anywho; "i had..the time of my life"...(lol, that was a quote from a terrible song...hahaha). And scince it was fright night; they did a horror concert...and did the time warp!
I did the time warp with everyone; and emotionally scared several people at the same time! I had a blast! but i cried the whole time beacsue i saw a zombie hobo.
i cried and was freaked the whole time! so i stole a salt shaker from the johny rockets (actually, i just spilled the whole vial of salt into a plastic cup and took it with me), and everytime i saw a zombie i threw salt at them.
zombies die when you sew kosher salt into their mouth; but they also just dont like it. Zombie's are also afraid of gold jewlary, and cant run in two directions at the same time. i ws SO scared! and my fiends chased me in the parking lot beause they were pretending to be zombies. i was SO afraid! I actually thoguht that my friends were zombies! (lol, not really. beacause everyone knows that you can only become a zombie if your bitten by a zombie..and none of my friends wer bitten by anyone...except i bit oliva....pelase dont ask why. firends are too fast to be zombies...).
So we also brought Andres.
Andres is this guy, who has asburger syndrom. he has a crush on me..damn my niceness/loveable-ness/sexyness/time wrp-ness! He's sweet; but i only like him as a he's 18 and im 13. AAAA! but he asked if he could come; and i couldnt say he came. We had fun..but he hit on me the whole whole time! CREPPER!
hahah...asburger syndrome. what a funny/stupid name for a syndrome. HAHAHAHAHA

AssburgerAsburger AsburgerAsburger Asburger Asburg

hahahahahahah.... ya... so anyways...


lol, sorry couldnt resist, latley ive been obssed with Rocky Horror; i love it all 5 seasons a year, but i get very obsessive during Haloween. anywho
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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