Thursday, October 28, 2010



ok. Today we were talking about...well im not sure. but it had something to do with what freshmen was like wat senior, and collage.
First off; i was classifyed as a "gabe". That's wicked awsome: but gabe is super...gabe. the only thing we have in common is really that we play piano. Confussed how it goes. Katie was paired as a fiona on a good day, Sebatien is a new species aparently. I forgot everyone esle; lol, covered in paint!But this is how i would have put it:

jessicia as Casey (size wise)

Adjenea as Gabe ( lets face it; too talented to be human! dammit. also, curly q's!)

Hannah is like an alley (i am unsure about her)

Sabastien is a mixture of Gabe and glenn ( Scary to even imagine..right?)

Katie is..... i dont. (UNCLASSIFYED!)

Alishia as Alley #2

me? im a hybrid of a gabe, casey, and Fiona.

i know ur like WAHT? becasue im superrrrrrrrrrrr sheltered! But trust me there are 3 parts of me:

My school life- the stupid bubly bitch that laughs at everything who is super awsomely talented. ( the gabe)

My personal life- tiny depression and more crazyness. ( the crazy is the casey)

my PERSONAL life- trust me. it gets fudged up. There are days that i can make Fiona look clean. I know; scary! UBER-SCARY! i dont tell ANYONE about that! NOT EVEN MY CAT! (this is the fiona)

Also we talked about collages, and we're we'll probably go. All i got was the tension between me and Adjenea. Adjenea and i were the Yale and the julliard. Aparently, im aperantly fit for yale, and Adjenea  is fit for Julliard???...

isnt Yale  a law school?!??!?!?!?! This isnt leagally blonde, plus i kinda dont wanna go to a school named after a fish. I love jullaird; ever scince i knew such a thing exsisted my school years are going to be dedicated to geting into it. During the summer i take classes there; to get buddy buddy with some important proffesors there and admission ladies. Ya my chances of getting into jullaird as as slim as Ms.Aladren getting to be the queen of england. but you never know... i could be that lucky one. ya; mostly likely not; but you never know unless you try. Jullaird is my #1 choice until i DIE, but i do have a back-up plan/s. There are lots of collages that i could get into for basically free; beacuse i have connections and im sweet and "innocent". But im definatly gonna try for Jullaird; and nobody can stop me. Ya adjenea's gonna go far; she's super talented. I guess im jelous; but i hate the fact that i am. Im NEVER jelous of people; jelousy is a disease like the plague. It infects you and you slowly kill yourself from it. I 'm not really jelous of her; im just jelous that she's going to have the future i've always wanted. My path is foggy and i cant see waht's head for me. i could be on the same high-way to sucess like Adjenea, but then again i could also be headed for a deer in my headlights. You never know;
i kinda like it though. I mean; not knowing whats ahead of you. I love surprises. Its fun and exciting.
Speaking of exciting; started writing a play. Influencesd my Shawn Lousie from yesterday. (THANK YOU SHAWN!) (lol; his head is a smexy bowling ball). my new play is called:

"I, The Forgotten"

Its my first period pice! super excited!m victorian age!
lol, wish me luck world
Hayley Michelle

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