Monday, January 31, 2011


PG=999999999999999999999999 ( a really big # so that my participation grade and the thousands of blogs i will post today will at least bring my grade up to a B+ or higher.) (higher is always better).

Just got home from the most depressing car ride ever.

My grandma doen't belive in Narwalz.

How could you NOT belive in narwalz?!?!?! They resemble everything happy and awsome in life!!!!

What is a Narwal you may ask? well....

I mean, seriously....they are so real. If you dont belive in Narwalz?
well then..


and no one wants that.

Worried about my monolugue (extra credit). I cant find one, because i dont really know what i can do. I've been watching the other freshie's and their monolugues, and they're fine..because they know their type.

I semi-know my type.

See, thats what confusses me...i dont know what they mean by "your type".
like...your phsical type? or your personality type...?

See, i know by Phsical type...Im the fat,funny-girl.

But that is COMPLEATLY diffrent for my personality...

how about i'm the phco crazy that a type?

I dont know...because im always changing. One minute im laughing, and the next im tearing the heads off of barbie dolls.
I dont know....i mean....i think...i dont even know what i think.

I want someone to sit me down and give me a running monolugue.
I want them to tell me what type i am, how i make them feel, how i look, how i act.... because i can't see it myself.

I see the world with a third eye. I have diffrent demensions to me. Im not jsut one type of many things.
I need someone to tell me what i am, 2D.
Im 3D, and i think its good but everyone tells me its bad.

To be in this need to know yourself. But i DONT know myself, thats my problem.....

Hayley Michelle

Friday, January 28, 2011


dont have my norton with me..... still sick.

But i did finish it.

personally, i didn't care for it. But none the less, it was well written, and had a facinating plot line.
Plus the fac that it DID win the Pultzer ya.

here is my rating chart: (i do this for like...every play. but i dont always post it).

Well developed characters: *****(5)
Well developed plot: *****(5)
Symbolism: ****(4)
Personal thoughts: **(2)

Overall: ***(3 1/2)

Going to start Mud when i get home.
yay. (sarcasm)

not exactly looking forward to it, but it is manditory. So going to read it with an open mind.

Hayley Michelle

Feeling and looking like crap. =(


Im really sorry for being sick. the nurse wouldn't let me go to shop because she said "i was too sick".
i was later sent home: now at work...still sick.

I hate being sick: i already took 12 air-borne's (ran out), 2 tylenols,and 1 sutafed.
not helping.

grrr... i need to feel better.

tomarrow is the open house at my totally awsome school, and a bunch of my friends are comnig to check it out.
I WAS volenteered to be a guide, but they said i cant because "im too sick".

"too sick" is when your coughing up blood. (not fun, trust me). so until that piont, i go to school and do what i have to do. Because i have responcibilites and i cant let anything slow me down.

So im gonig anyways, and i will be better, because i am going to get more air-borne.

Wish me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I got my Funny back!


Working on all my thaetr essay's because i was snowed in. (man, essay's are a pain in my @ss). hahahaha,
Anywho. I was rescued by retail theropy.
Went shopping with my friends for clubbing outfits.
we look HOT.

Saw casey today, =)
Because she works at the mall and i live in the

I gotz muh funny back! I made my friends(megan and Faith) rofl SOOO hard:
here is what i said:

"Hayley (thats me!): You're like my baby...even though i didn't carry you for 9 months and push you out...."
(in Holister).

"Megan: I have a wii.
Faith: i have a wii and an X-Box Live
Hayley (thats me!): I have a LIFE."

and...ya. thats about it, but they were laughing alot.
I feel good.
I got my funny bacK!!!!!!


Wish me luck World,
Hayley Michelle

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We Were busy, and We were Sorry.

Pg=99999999 (aka 100)

We are sorry for not blogging earlier, for we were busy reading Anthem by Ayn Rand. They are Genuis, for they have written in such a way that is so unique. They have written in odd pronouns. And we think it to be facinating.

We think it to be bold, and we think it to be beautiful.

We were also busy creating our own little beauty. For we have began to write a new play.
We have began to open our eyes to the world we are in. We have have began to see exactly how blind we were, living in the shadows of the little known good in this evil world. We have decided to write. We have decided to write, and explain the transformation of the world. For nothing is good anymore.
Nothing is pure, nothing is saint like.

We are not good.
We are not holy, we are not safe.
We are one.
United we stand, and we stand alone.

We must relize this before we can continue to live our lives, for if we do not understand that we are alone...we will surely be alone, tucked inside a shell hiding the world. Avioding everything. Not aknowladging the changing of the world.
For we now see that the world is forver changing. We know see how much we have miss, and we are hoping to be forgiven, for we are sorry.

We are writing, and forever writing. WE cannot stop. We are driven by a force which has no name, and we are driven to madness.

We are living in a world, were we are consummed by 7 sins every day.

We are consummed by Pide.
We are consummed by Lust.
We are consummed by Anger.
We are consummed by Gluttony.
We are consummed by Greed.
We are consummed by Sloth.
We are consummed by Envy.

We are evil. True to the core. We are living sin.
We do not care. For they do not care for the sinful. They do not care for the weak. They do not care for us.

And we are driven to show them that.
We are driven to tell teh world, that they are corupt and evil.

We are no longer Hayley.
We are no longer ourselves.
For we have a number.

When we began school, back in the times when eveything was pure and golden and new.... we were assighned a number.
an ID.
a name.

We are no longer Hayley.

We are number 19776.
We are numb.
we are drowning.
Drowning in the their lost dreams.
We are Drowning in the ocean of dreams, and when we are about to go under and colapse beneathe the waves of wishes...we are floating down stream of the lost and wasted ideas of the world.

We are the new generation of men and women.
We are new...but we are not pure.
We are not pure....for we are evil.

We are who we are...and we do not like what we see.
We do not like what we are told, we do not like what we do.

But we cannot change.
For we are only human.
We are one.

One: untied we stand...alone.

Hayley Michelle (19776)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Alberta is dead.

that sux. Now...what confusses me is that Rose would STILL allow Troy to live with her after him going of and having an affair AND a baby with this chick, Alberta.

If i were her i would kick his no-goood , dirty lying, little, flat ass out on the street. And say:
"you wanna act like a tool? then go sleep in the shed!"

I wouldn't need that.,
I know Rose loves him...but, sometimes if you love someone you HAVE TO LET IT GO.
besides, if he went and had an affari it means that he didn't want you in the first place!

Sometimes people think they want someone..but then they meet someone else and go off and HAVE A FUDGING BABY WITH THEM! I MEAN, SOMEONE THEY KNOW! BEHIND THIER BACK! IF YOU FUDGING LOVEE THEM, THEN DONT GO AROUND HUMPING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT! AND DONT YOU GOD-DAMN TELL ME YOU FUDGING LOVE ME WHEN YOU GO AND HAVE A FUDGING BABY WITH SOME FUDGING GARDEN HOE!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok. im up to Act II, scene I.

Troy is a cheater
Rose is sweet (like her name)
and GABE!!!!! (the character...and lmfao the person too)

Ok, i just cant help but think of Gabe when i read this play. I dont know why, but i was thinking about the characeter of gabe, and now i assosiate Gabe's face with the character of Gabe.
(*slaps face*)

ok, got that out...hmm...waht else do i think of fences....

I hate the fact that Troy is re-living his pain through Cory.

Troy is not lettingCory play football because he  is still getting over the fact that he wasn't allowed to paly sports.
Troy was turned down by a major league teams (because of his old age, but he tells everyone it was because of his color. It was also probably that too, but the piont is, is that Times are changing and no-one really relizes that).
Troy was turned down, and he tells his son he cant play sports because he will be turned down too because of his color.

I mean, really? your ruining your sons dreams. Hopes and dreams. Jsut shut up and let the guy play! I mean, ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! GET OVER IT!
You weren't the great sucsess story, so at least give your son a chance to atleast try and be that!

Hayley Michelle

Main Stageeeee


Im so angryyyy about main stage.

Building people are building our set for mainstage, and my BF is in building.
So i now have to stay with him until Mainstage is over.


And i was all prepaired to break it off with him today!

Now i have to cancle my date with Manny =(


But i mean, i can deal with it. i need to stop complaing about everything... i mean...ugg. I need to suck it up.

Anywho, we talked about paper's today, GRRRR i dont want to write anymore.

I have a:
- 5pg essay on a play we read
- 3pg on a dance show
- 3pg on "the Collection" and or "A Kind of Alaska"
- 3pg on the play im going to see tommarrow


I was going to tech, but i didnt get enoguh time to find out that i had that option. so, fudge to me....

OMG, i took a quiz to see what kind of chocolate i was? and it said i was filled with fudge!!!!
that mad me rofl.
Listening to 80's. having the time of my life.
my cat is soooooo FATTTTT
at the moment he has his head stuck in a tissue box.
Imma go and take pictures and laugh satanicly at him.

(you know...and help him get his head un-stuck)


Wish me Luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Monday, January 24, 2011

the dude that wrote fences...ya that guy


At my grandma's house (like i mentioned earlier), so i dont have Fences with i did a  lil' research on August Wilson.

(i couldn't remember his name for a few minutes, so i type in "that guy that wrote fences and stuff' into

(btw...his name is august wilson.) (jsut so we both r clear...cuz i forgot! i feel so stupid)

Ok, so he is really interesting!
Especially his playgerism thingy. (thingy? really hayley? god i sound like such a teenager!)

He started writing at a young age, and thats very impressive. And to still continue to write after being accused of playgerism?
kids, got guts.

When i was in school i wrote a 95 thesis on my thoguhts of my history teacher ( she tought us all the wrong things about Martin Luther.) (she probably got it all from wikapedia). (lmfaooo)
and i tapped it to her classroom door.

I was accused of playgerism. (which shocked me because i thoguht i would get in trouble for writing it in the first place! but hey! i dont mind getting away with things...) =)
So anyways, i was really pissed and i never wrote anything ever again in history.
I mean, it sucked.
I felt terrible. I mean, to be accused of that.

It makes you wonder.
why was i accused? why me? why dont they like it? why DO they like it? do they think its good? fake?

it worrying. and to have guts like that is amazing.
truely phanominal.

I also found out that Fences, was Wilson's 2nd play to hit broadway, and brought him the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1987....even though fences was written about the 1950's.
he also won the smae prize again in 1990 for his play, the piano lesson.
Which i will read once i find time.

Hayley Michelle

I lost the funny


I've been reviewing my past blogs, and i am very angry.
at myself.
i mean...when did i become a B*tch !?!?

I have gotten very....dark and angry all of a sudden, and i dont know why.

We have been reading (we jsut finished) dante's inferno.

I read the nferno in 6th grade, because the stuff we were reading board me to death. i mean...talking mice? been there, done that. it board me, so i looked into the "Divine Comedy".

It is a 3 piece work of literature, and the inferno is the first part.

i find it odd to be called the "Divine Comedy" because it is very serious. the first part is about hell!

It was a satire.
it was written in the middle ages, a time when the church ruled everything.

but Dante stood out against it. making fun of the church's beliefs and such.
An...evil, sadistic comedy.

I guess thats sorta me. I mean, how did i go from funny to phsco b*itch?

it doesnt matter, i wanna be funny again.  i mean, jsut be less of a debbie downer and suchhhhh.

Anywho, im at my grandma's and i am BOARDDDDDDDDDD.
save meh, please.
(i will give each of you a bazillion dollers if you can)

(in monoply money....of corse)


Wish me Luck,
Hayley Michelle

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I lied =)


Went to an AWSOME party last night. it was AMAZING. i got home at like...4.

Just woke up! <3 hahhaa, i had SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!
 I danced the enitre night...except for when i was getting my airbrush tatoo's and hats.

OMG! i got an air-brush tatoo of a Playboy Bunny Symbol on my boob!
 And the guy that did the airbrushing was kinda cute too...

hahah, also there was this "mad Hatter" there.
I was talking to her, she invented this new way of "paper hat making". i looked awsome! She made me a statue of liberty crown, a titannic hat,and a breakdancing hat...that did breakdancing!!!

So because my Bat-mitzvah gonig to have another. Smaller, because i cant afford TOO big of a party...but definatly the size of sweet sixteen on a low budget. Its gonig to be Alice and Wonderland themed, and i am SO having that hat lady there!!!!! (SHE MADE ME WONDERWOMAN BRACLETS!!!!)


anways... Even though i said i wouldn't talk about boys anymore....i lied. Im sorry, its just SUCH a big part of my life, so it really hard for me not to talk about it!
So anyways, i want to break up with john.


All my friends like him

my parents love him ...

but i dont.

I dont feel ANYTHING. not even a mutal like....nothing. I mean, the only time i actually "felt" something for him was when we were fighting and screaming at eachother in the halls, and crying on the floor, and punhcing lockers cuz we were so ANGRY at eachother..... Its just...confussing.
 John is every girl's dream...
but not mine.
So i WANT to break up with him, but i cant.
He's one of those sensitive people that will go all emo crazy on himself if i break up with him. So im going to let HIM breakup with ME.

( evil smiley )

Wish me Luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Friday, January 21, 2011

Attempt dancing


I dont think i can take another dance class.
I think if i attend another dance class i'm going to spontanously commbust like a super-nova.
I dont like dance classes because every time i go to a dance class i feel like turd.
It makes me feel so bad about myself.
I dont like to see myself in tights: i have lumber legs.
I feel fat and insicure and i dance like an elephant with an amputated leg.

I hate dance: im just going to come out and say it.
it is the only thing standing in my way of being perfect. I mean, everyone can dance. my cat dances, and he's pretty damn good at it too! But i cant dance.
i don't know. Usally im good at tondu's and such...but i was in SOOOo much pain today. I couldn't even piont my toes, i was in so much pain.
Its because i was tense. I was like a robot made of tin. I couldn't move.
And i know why too....

I dont let people get in my way...this is going to sound really bad...but if people are in the way of my dreams and goals i will bulldozer them over.
They are like steppping stones...but....i dont know.
There is this girl in the freshmen dance class.
She used to go to my old school.

I am terrifyied of this girl.
She made my life a living hell.

We used to share a locker: she was the top locker and i was the bottom locker. We used to fight over who got to go first...and she would always win after beating the crap out of me. She would throw stones at me, and once she pushed me out of the way to get to her locker and in the process, slammed my head against a locker door.
And everytime i seee her she gives me the "death glare" and i get so tense cuz i'm afraid she's going to hurt me.
I just cant do it.
I know that i have to work with people i dont like sometimes. I know. I work with people that i HATE everyday of my life.
But i cant do it. I'm so terrifyed that i cant do good.

I looked like a total IDIOT. I mean, i wasn't focussing. I was so distracted,
I couldnt even skip across the floor. Heck, i couldn't even stand correctly. I was freaking out. I was tense, and scared to death. I jsut feel so vonurable and weak when im there...and i cant stand it.

Im sorry. But... i dont know if can handle another dance class.

Wish me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Misner and other things on my mind that you dont care about.


Ok. I am offically giving up boys. (well...all the boys except my boyfriend.)
There was this guy i had...sorta a "fling" with before i started dating john...after i broke it off with him we still sorta kept in touch.
And lately he's been acting like a chick at "that time of month" . i mean, seriously crazy bi-polar action.

We were on FB last night, (figures. most of my problems start there), and we were just talking about normal stuff and all of a sudden he dropped the Fudge bomb on me.

he was talking about how "i broke his heart" and made him "cut himself with a rusty house key" and "you made me hate life".
And then he told me, (i literally copied and pasted this from the chat to here. this is all real)(he is talking 2 me when he says you...btw).

"You could have anyone you want. You just have to piont your fingers, and there will be someone who wants you."
and that made me feel good until i read the rest of his sentance...
" But now? i couldn't give a shit weather you live or die. Who in god's name made you queen? If we were the last two people on earth i would sooner shoot my brains out than be with you,your a little jewish, jappy, whore. Ya, i said. WHORE. thats what you are. Jumping around to everyone,breaking there hearts, AND YOU ENJOY IT, you sick little bastard. You enjoy my pain, you enjoy to see me cry over you. So you know what? screw you. Literally. Screw you, you dirty, lying, little whore."

and then i sat there for a few minutes...and...i just...i didn't do anything. I mean, Alot of people tell me things and i put up with it...but nobody really "told me off".
He did.
And it felt good to feel that raw hurt...but it also sucked like fudging balls. And i wasn't mad...because everything he said was true...

and today we did misner, or what i like to call it:


and i was doing Misner with casey. And she was freaking me a cute little alien hampster. It was freakkyyyy. and then i did misner with gabe.

I like gabe. he's nice, has cury hair, is tallented, is eaither an alien or candian (or both), and he is jewish. wahts not to like?

but i seriously just wanted to punch him where it hurts.
He told me i looked like a mouse, and for some reason it reminded me of what micheal had said to me through that chat...and i wanted to punch him.
I would have too...but im nice,and gabe is a seniour.....and he reads my blog.


but i mean....Im not going to take my anger out on others. i mean, i dont belive thats right. Its not fair to blame people for others actions...but its just so easy to force the blame on someone else!
But im not that kind of person...
gonig to talk to micheal now about what happened in the chat room.
hope he responds and doesn't let it fly on me again.

Wish Me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Still reading fences....and i have been noticing something very...stereo-typical....

Back when reading "Buried Child" by Sam Shepard, Tilden the "once golden boy" of the family...used to play football.
Now in Fences, Cory (troy's son) is of to collage playing football.
I haven't read alot of the play...but I sorta think that Cory is supposed to b the golden boy too.
A kawinkie-dink? I THINK NOT!
It seems to be apearing that throught literature the "golden boy" is always playing football!
I play football, and Im the goldden child! (ok, im the only child....but same diffrence)

Football is known to us as : "The male dominant sport". I think football is used to symbolize the dominant male. I mean....even though in Buried Child, Tilden was actually one of the more waeker characters...I think it still to symbolism that.
Tilden was ONCE the golden boy....he isnt anymore. Also just like he doesnt play football anymore. In fact, no one could remember what position he played! It resembles them forgetting who was dominant. who was in-charge...who was good, and pure. When falling from grace, its like taking mud an smearing it on your face. Its disgustiong. Nobody likes to watch it happen. nobody does anything about it. Nobody wants to. Thats why we foroget. We forget the good. We foroget the greatness of a person. We forget all the good deeds a person does, and we only remember the one bad deed.
I predict that Cory will sort of be the dissapiontment in the family. Tryo says that Cory wont have a future in football because of the color of his skin. (true...i was forced to watch "brain's Song"aka, WORST ACTING EVER. i hated that movie SOOO much. i would soon chop of my fingers than watch it).I think that It symbolizes Cory, WANTING to be in charge. to be dominant, but he never will be. Like Tantalus reaching for the apples in his pool of misery in the depths of hell. He will always reach for them, but when he gets close to his desire...they move out of the way. He is an dwill always be forver tortured by his wants and dreams, because he sees it..but he will never have it.

Hayley Michelle

Fences and my love lifeeeeee

ok. i know it says in the title it was about the play we're reading and my "love life"....ya. not watcha think.
Ok, i will admitt....i HAVE gone alittle boy crazy...but last year was ALOT worse. i'm actually getting better, SO DONT JUDGE! but aladren does have a piont. I mean, a journal is a journal...its supposed to be about plays and not my love life...inless the play IS ABOUT my love life.../than thats know what? im gonna drop it. see?




Ok, now getting onto Fences....ya. Learning how to suck it up, because..ya. like i said...dropping it. (not just my love life...but slang and other things that make me look el stupido).... So i am up to the part whereRose and Bono are discussing supermarket's and such.
I personsally like A&P...(mainly because of the cute bag boys...HAYLEY! DROP IT!)
I never heard of Bella's...but then again, this was back in...1957? yes. yes it was. (just checked. lolz.)
They are talking about how bela's charge's 10c more than A&P. I mean, 10C now isn't really alot..well to me, its not...
But back then, 10c was alot. Counting every penny they could. My grandpa tells me stories about the 50's and such. All my family does (i know. they r oldddd). Back then..filling a tank with gas only coast 10c (less or more. dont judge. So every penny really DID count! I mean, with the money you saved, you could have filled your car with gas...or bought some candy or something cheap.
every cent mattered.

Hayley Michelle

Boy Crazyness.Monolugues. and SQUIRLE!!!!!


Theater was fun today, I accidently called cheasey's pants "ugly/distusgusting".
I DIDNT KNOW THEY WERE HER'S!!!!! AGG! ( *slaps face* )

Helpful notes today...need to get even MOREEEE modern by being an easdropper. (i know, wierd advise...but so far i've learned ALOTTTT more than i want to from ease dropping. I found out that my friend is a dirty lying skanky cheater on her bf in the navy, and that This guy likes me, but he still is fudging around with this other girl instead of make his move on me, and that my friend has Rocky Horror theamed undi-wear.TIGHTY-WHITIESSS!!!!)

Also, that i should get a monolgue. We did acting today, even though i thought we were going to finish my play feed-back....oh wellz. =)
anywhooooooo....I felt left out. I mean, the excersize was to say our monolugues...and other stuff that i cant describe. (not like that! its totally
I just felt left out...i mean, i'm not one of them. I'm diffrent. unique. I'm going to get a monlugue...because i will end up acting no-matter i'm looking into the "oranges" monolugue from Boy's Life.

I originally wanted to do Fiona's monolugue...but Katie AND fiona is doing it. i mean, do i want to do what everyone else is doing? no. I need to stand out on my own two feet. Ya, it would be great to have in my repitour (rep-it-tar) (didn't know how to spell it or a synonym...sorr) but its not the right time...

The only reason i really want to do the orange's monolugue is because everyone say's "i can't" "its not hayley" "you'll laugh through the whole thing".
Well...all i have to say is that, i can do anything. "hayley" isn't just ONE thing...she's many things. And ya...the hayley that is at school doesn't curse, and is a lady, and laughs and is bubbly....but when people aren't around? ask any of the freshmen how sick and sadistic i am. Ask my old school friends....ha! THat would SHOCK YOUUUUU!!!!! hahahahahahah.....
I'm a mobile. I'm constantly the latest fashion craze. And i always will be changing...and i really think that i need to let it fly. I mean...i have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much angst i'm holding in..(duh, im a teenagerrrr.)

and I'm going to be honest with you.... I think i could do Fiona's monolugue in a heart beat. in fact...its sorta like deja-vu....I feel as if i've already said this.
But that's another reason why i shouldn't do that monolugue...Its WAYYYY to similiar...(dont ask....just...leave it as it is. LONG storyyy....)
I mean, if i DO that monolugue i could do it great...but i also could go alittle overboard and start screaming at actual people that i know...instead of the character i'm supposed to be talking to. I could go on this extreame...un-stoppaable..rampage of hate and destruction....
They say theater is about taking risks...but thats not something i want to risk...people ALREADY think im insaine...lets not push it.

Wish Me Luck,
Hayley Michelle

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"I dont wanna marry, i jusat wanna be your man"

Reading Fences at the moment, and its gonig like this:

talk,slang,slang,slang,talk, garbadge, "n" word, "n" word, slang, slang, cheater, cheater, Good friend, slang,"n' word, wife, slang, INTERESTING PART!!!!

ok, so the INTERESTING PART is when Troy is telling how Rose and him had met.
I think its cute, i mean... I can picture it . Him walking up to her and saying
"Baby, I don't wanna marry...but i wanna be your man".

That's the kinda guy i want. I mean, i was just thinking about it for a second or too....but i really think its true. I dont want to marrry. Im 14, i dont need to think about that right now.
.I'm not like most girls.
I dont belvie in love, i dont belive in fairy tales, or happy ending. I dont belive in finding "the one". I belive in living life right now, instead of thinknig about the future or the past. Living in the moment. I couldn't give 2 peices of fudge about love or prince charming.

At the moment i'm with this guy named John. (i know this is a journal, and you dont care about my love life...but its also my blog. so if you dont care then skip to the end of this paragraph). He's.....he's blind. He only see the good in the world. He thinks i'm gonig to be his "highschool sweetheart" and that we're going to get married and have that slow dance at prom and all this other pack of romance and lies. It makes me want to barf. I mean...i dont even WANT a relationship...i want fun. I dont want to be tied down, and between you and me? he's a terrible kisser. And it ticks me off, because he knows what i think of love and romance and he still sticks around. First sighn of the guy i'm with or me falling in "love" and i bolt and run. That's just how i work. And he knows i'm gonig to break his y doesn't he leave? that's why i'm sticking figure out what the fudge is wrong with him.
You know...i didn't think i could make this blog about me...but i somehow did. isn't that funny?

Hayley Michelle

Sorry...i didnt know we had to blog.


Sorry. I didnt know we had to blog, just asked my cat. (he knows everythingggg). (that and i got board. so i'm gonig to blog anyways...)

Had a fun weekend.
Friday- stayd home and cleaned like cinderella. (i found SOOOOO much S!^* in my shoe closey, its ont even fun...i found: 26 pairs of shoes, a box of gram crackers, my cat's winter booties, my cat, my Couch ristlet, 48 wrappers of channucka gelt form a few years ago, 3 capo's for my guitar, and 17 braclets, 39 bobby pins, and A PARTRICH IN A PAIR TREEEEEEE!!!!) (i actually didn't find the last one...but wouldn't that be awsome if i did?!?!)

Saturday- i went to a funeral and flirted with my "cousin". You see, he's actually not my cousin. My 2nd cousin 2wice removed got a divorce, and then married again, and had a child, whop is now grown up and adopted a 15 year old son named Zack. h, and i was at a funeral because soeone i know died. All i know is that i look good in black, so i dont care who died, as long as their is a party afterwards.

Sunday- Went clubbing with friends( Megan, Adrianna, Faith, Her "bf" matt, me and my bf John.), i didn't get roofied so thats all good.

Monday- Faith's "bf" that went clubbing with us the day before BROKE UP WITH HER THROUGH A TEXT I MEAN, HOW LOW COULD YOU GET!!!!!! So i was playing theropist and helping her peice back her heart. God, he was such a fudging douchad dog.

Right now (tuesday) - i am blogging and listening this kid named MattyBRaps. He is amazing, and is only 8 years old! check him out RIGHT NOW:

You see, this video is him speaking out against bullying and hate. Cyber bullying is really bad, and i think its great that he is doing something to speak out about it. Rap on Matt!!!! <3 (and when you get older marry me, your adorable. HOLLY FUDGE! RAP THE DOUBLE RAINBOW ALL TEH WALL SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) *breathe* Gonig to read "fences". ugg. Oh, and Aladren emailed me about that. I understand, The "N' word doesnt erally bother me, but confusses me.And i am SO ticked off about what they are doing to the new aditions of Tom Sawyer. You cant change a classic. Thats morally wrong. its like taking the song "dont stop beliveing" and changing it to "Dont stop Dreaming". Its just wrong. WRONG WRONG, YOU HEAR ME! WRONGGGGGG!!!!!!!!

whoa....breathe hayley, breathee.....
ok. i've had enoguh of thid blog. I should stop now before i go and blow a blood vessle. You know those things are importante....

Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Friday, January 14, 2011

Fences is ticking me offffffffffffff

I dont think im going to be able to finish this play.



Im just gonna have to suck it up, like spongebob.


Im currently on page 1360.....which is 2 if the play was in its own book.

Ok..Troy is white, i think...and Bono is black?
(GOD i sound so racist!!! grrrr)
(*slaps self*)
But i mean...its important. With the N wqord being dropped like a bomb between every other word...its nice to know! I mean, if Bono was of color, wouldn't he get the N word?
And now that i think about Troy black too? i mean, he IS complaning about "all the white men driving and teh colored picking up trash".....and if he was white, why would he be complainging?

Ok, i have think i got it: They are both black.
ok....god i hate this play. grrrr. So much slang.
now please excuse me while i go ram my head into the wall before i continue reading this.

Hayley Michelle

The freshmen Hate me again


The freshmen hate me again. We were "watching"
500 days of Summer
and alot of them were talking about how they hate Summer, because of her views on love and relationships...and it was freaking me out how similiar Summer and I i naturally, had to back her up.
And of course, it went down hill from there.
I told them my views on life and love and happy endings, and they looked at me like i had 7 heads.
And then we began talking about why i think the way i do about love....i wouldn't DARE put it on my blog.... because some peple dont need to know all about my...just..just forget it.
Piont is...they all think i'm either:
a. lying
b. exagerating
c. crazy
d. all of the above and more

Im synical. Im confussing. Thats me. I smile, and im bubbly...but i kinda hate teh world. And they all dont like me because im just too out there. I get it.
"Im an Aquired taste".

I mean, they probably dont HATE me...but they cant stand me and they dont agree with my views on life. And it ticks me off when people say that.
A few days ago, My sanish teacher, Ms.CZ (cant spell her name) she said, and i quote:

"You know hayley, you really ARE an aquired taste".

Do you know how sick and tired i am of hearing that? "aquired taste" "aquired taste"."aquired taste"


ok? i dont need this. It hurts. to know that "aquired taste" is the polite way of saying "we all hate you but we have to put up with you".
Its like running away from bee's covered in honey and flowers. You just cant get away. It never goes away. like a a bad tattoo that says:
"Sorry. i messed up, love mom"

And i really am sick of hearing it! I know everyone will say "its ok, they'll learn to like you" , and "you'll grow into it".
i dont want to hear it. I want to be liked now.
I mean, not EVERYONE is gonna like me...but seriously?

God, if you are out there...WHY ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Wish Me Luck,
Hayley Michelle

Thursday, January 13, 2011



Ok. I get that TROY and BONO are garbadge workers.
they talk like garbadge too.

F#$&%*FRJKEU#Q_#%*$#&@*$%Y# RFIQOP@$*&YQ

I hate slang. It ticks me off. It makes you look un-educated, so i never learned how to understand it. I dont usally put up with people like that. people that use slang.
god, im so fustrated. I didnt even get finished with the page!!!!! grrrrr....
Troy talks an angry monkey.
But i wll finish this page! grrr....slang.....grrrr

Hayley Michelle

Love songs suck and FairyTales aren't true


I feel bad. =(
i basically flipped everyone off today in calss. We got into this wierd disgussion about love, and i lost it.
I think i ruined some lives in there. Idk, but i feel bad.
I mean, dont get me wrong: im not taking back what i said about "love" because its true:

There is love of family, love of music, love of choclate.
But there is no "Love".
Happy endings aren't real. Life is not a disney movie. Build a bridge, and get over it. There are no prince charmings, no Knights in shinning armor, just you.

You are the author. Only you can write the ending to your story, by either endingthe tale with you rescuring yourself or waiting for a prince that will never Fudging come.

He will leave you there, in that high tower gaurded by the evil dragon of regret and guilt. He will leave you there, waiting, and waiting, and waiting. and he will never come, no matter how much you pray.
Or even worse:
He will come. He will rescue you, and parade you around on his white stallion and you will live "Happly Ever After". until he hears another Damsel crying out in distress and leaves you all alone. He will leave you in peices, ripped apart on the floor. He will leave you: they always do.

I know your probably thinking that i'm synical. That im a demented, satanic child in much need of theropy.
Maybe your right.
But where you are wrong; is thinking that i'm wrong.because i am not.

Some think love does exist in the world. But they are wrong. Or maybe blind. They dont see the evil around them, they dotn see the heartbreak.
They dont notice the iceburg in the water until its too late. and then they sink 2 and a half miles down into the black depths of the atlantic ocean.

Hearts are paper. They can be colored in and made whole, they can be left blank and empty. Some hearts are big, some are small.
Hearts can give you papercuts.
Cuts erywhere; all around.
Cuts that bleed.
cuts that hurt.

Love songs suck, Fairytales aren't true,Happy endings dont exist.
And worst of all: The people who belive in love, are so nice. And dont deserve to get hurt...but they do. They always do.
Cupid shoots arrows, and arrows peirce and hurt. They stab, they cut.Love is a pioson. it kills. Drenched on the arrow's tip. And once in are doomed to a future of heartbreak.
Only then, when you realize how truely evil love is, and how much the world around you is satnic and evil...only then, will the pain and suffering stop.
Until then?
we are doomed: For a painful, heartbreaking,tommarrow awaits us all.

Hayley Michelle

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Behind the lies are the truth. and behind the truth is nothing, but a man.

Behind the lies are the truth. and behind the truth is nothing, but a man.

I have finished M Butterfly.

i will admit it was confussing, but now i am sitting here...crying about the ending.

I loved it.

The last scene is Guilmard prepairing to commit Hara-kari (honnorable sucide). Dressed in Butterfly Drag.

"My name is Rene Gallimard...also known as Madame Butterfly" (Hwang 1458).

That last line hit me like a stack of bricks.
I mean, think about how DEEP that is. Here is this tale of sorrow, and love, and secrets, and trechery and lies. its truely, beautiful.

Every story has its lies. We all tell lies. Some more interesting than others. Some darker, some more volguer than others.
But a lie is a lie.

Acting: being truthful under imaginary circumstances.

it is really all just lying, isnt it? lying to yourself, to your audience, to your character, to your soul.
Song, is an actor. a lie.

And to fall in love with lie.... is worse then death its-self.
I respect Gallimard. At first, i tohguht him to be...sort of a douche.
But i repspect him.
I resect his mistakes, his desscions: though mainly bad choices he has made. I respect his fate, i respect his stupidity, i respect his blind love for butterfly.
The imaginalry "perfect" woman.
a lie.
a butterfly.
A sweet, sweet butterfly. Gliding on the innocence of the wind, landing softly on the peice of heaven, located in the center of hell. In the depths of your blackened soul.

Hayley Michelle im lost. now lost. On act 2, scene 9 of M Butterfly, and im lost.
I thought that Song was a spy for Chin and the communists.
But "she" is actually and Actor, (i thoguht it only as a disguese...but i was wrong). and Chin and Song are not "friendly".

I no how i said that i dont like Butterfly, but i dont thin she should have gotten "beaten" and publicly emmbarressed like that.
poor butterfly.
I mean, in priacy would have been fine. But to humilate her, and force her to emmit the details of her affair with "the enemy", is a harsh and cruel punishment that no-one should suffer from.

Hayley Michelle

"Baby Names"



I am reading Song and Rene's
"baby names".


"PeePee"? "Ping Pong"? "Long Dong"? "Adolph"?


Ok, they are both offically smoking some chinese weed. Who would do that to thier child. \
Do they seriously have a death wish for that baby? if i was named something like that....'PeePee'...can you imagine the humiliation in school?!?!?
that's just. messed.up.
That poor, poor baby.
And also, Adolph?
What, do they want the baby to be a german dictator?!?!?

That it: its offical.
I'm gonig to name one of my adopted children, Adolph.
Adolph Elizibeth Hitler.

along with my 3 other addopted Children:
"Indigo Montya"
"Bruno" my gay black son from south Ugandya.

Hayley Michelle

Rip Off The Wings Of A ButterFly

finishing M butterfly.
(didnt blog last night because i was practicing Jew-jutsui in the dojo).

I thoguht that it would be Rene to leave Song, but it turns out to be the other way around! (up to the part where Song calls Rene about the baby being "born").

Song is seriously ticking me off. I mean, a he! So "she" cant give birth to a baby. Its someone else's baby, but Rene doesnt know!!! and Song is TOTALLY fine with doing this! She doesnt want the baby to see his "father", because the guilt is probably to much for her.

i hope someone rips off her wings.
She is not a butterfly, more like a maggot crawling on the face of the earth.

Hayley Michelle

Boyfriend in the dojo?


ok. so aparently i have a BF now.
My friend slept over because NO SCHOOL!!! (we built a tent, but because we are ninja' is a dojo. Im the loudest ninja, she is the shortest ninja).
So i went to take a shower this mourning (cuz i like being clean), and she stole my phone. When i come out she says,
"hayley, why didnt you tell my you have a Bf?!?!"
and i reply:
"Becasue i didn't know i had a BF!!!!" and then i go to my phone and find out that John has decided that he is my boyfriend.
On tuesday we got into a big fight and tehn we made-up in the middle of my english calss (he got written up), and now he thinks im his girlf-friend. But i mean, its ok. I sorta-kinda like him....i dont know...still worried about the fight. i mean, why we got into the fight....anywho..

I love my Dojo. It has a rainbow strobelgiht in it. Going to post pictures on FB later of it. ITS AMAZAING.
its also in my closet.


Wish me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

BALLS TO YOU, and America sux them.


So i am watching all of this stuff on the internet, trying to find the most recent, top, videos. (getting modern. feel awsome), and i stumbled across a Liza Menelli Interview, with her saying:


That is SO my new catch fraze! is that awsome!?!?!?!?!?!?
She is so awsome, i love her!
Had a great time in theater, and Glenn is the situation. i love him, lolz. It was halarious. And Ms.Aladren, being awsome smacked him for...well my parents read this blog so imma insert the smiley now.
hahaha, anyways, I had the most....INTERSETING...conversation with my grandma.

You have to understand something, i love my grandma. She's awsome. But she's ALWAYS on my case. She was Miss France USA in 19sometihng (long ago), and she is always busting my metaphorical balls about my wieght. (BALLS TO YOU!!!! hahaha). She is also Queen of the Yenta'sand she is THE MOST RACISTIST PERSON I KNOW! But still...i love her.
So we were talknig about the news and i told her my opinion on America, and we got into a 2 hour conversation on how i belive that we are evil and selfish, and that we are the catlist for all mayhem and destruction around us.
I love arguing with her: beause it always inspires me to write something.
I know Ms.Aladren told me not to write period pices until i become a better writer..but i jsut have to. I have this idea, and im going to go for it.
We talked about EVERYTHING.
Racial disgrimination.
China. monkies. chicken fights.
puerto rico.
illegal imigration.
Dante's inferno.
Angels in america.
M Butterfly.
Animal crulty.
and the poem "and then they came for me".

Thats what i'm gonig to write about. How we are spiraling into our stereo-types and letting all evil pass us by as good. That, is what i will write about.

wish me Luck,
Hayley Michelle

Monday, January 10, 2011

More ButterFly

Yay! more butterfly! wooo!!!! ok, so i continue 2 read, and i am still confused.

Is it JUST me, or am i the only one who finds it odd/wierd/symbolic/what the fudge/holy crap/ gross/ that Rene is having sex with Renee.
If i were to meet someone named "hayley" i would be freaked out! i wouldn't look her in the eyes, none the less have sex with her! (1. imma good girl. sex is wronga t this age. 2. im not lesbian).
I just find it SO odd.
But then i think about it more...and its symbolic in a way.i think. But this is my oppinion, so you can all kiss my #@^, and shut up and listen. =)

I think that rene is having Sex with Renee, to symbolism him just having sex with himself. To reassure his love for Butterfly. i mean, we all know tthat Butterfly is a man, and in this situation, Renne is CLEARLY a female. Perhaps he is trying to continue to convince himself that he is hetrosexual, instead of homosexual.
I personally belive that Rene knows all along that Song is a man. ((lmfao, "DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY!!!" . hahaha, love you ZZ Top!!!)
He is just so deep into the closet, that he is afraid to even think about the truth.
There are times when we ourselfs wont admit the truth. Thats we are afraid of it. Terrified.
Rene is afraid to admit his homosexuality. it was 'wrong back then. I mean, you cant help it if your gay. Its just you. You cant cahnge it or decide. Your born that way. But back then...people were very homoaphobic.

There is a line in the play (again, i dont have the play with me. so this is what i remember, but it is there!) were someone (who is worknig with the communists i think) tells Song that , "you know, Homosexuallity is not allowed in China. correct?".

Hayley Michelle

M butterfly

i dont have the Norton with me now. (at grandparents house. think im gonna die. they smell like prunes, old people, boiled eggs,and more old people). (but i still luv them ) <3.
So this is all from the top of my head, and what i know of M Butterfly.

I thought that M Butterfly would be exactly like Madame Butterfly...but i was SO wrong. So aparently "butterfly" (aka "song", aka really good chinese drag-queen) is a spy. Song is a dude. And i think he actually loves Rene, but he is also being faithful to his duties (aka finding something out about people attacking vietnam? something like that). and that is confussing me. I mean, how can you love someone when you were hired to use them and then toss them aside when you are done? i mean, thats probably why i can't be a spy. I wouldn't fall in love with people i was using, or supposed to kill, or somethning like that. I dont belive in love. its stupid. (long story. and i mean, LONGGGGGGGGGGGG story). But i would still be at fear for something like that to happened. I mean, it wouldnt happen because love isnt real. but love can apear as an illusion. You can think your in love, and can think "this is it. the person i'm gonig to spend the rest of my life with. i love them and they love me. and we will live happly ever after, just like Cinderella, and Sleeping beauty, and the little mermaid".
well your wrong. because the real versions of those stories didnt end up so happy. In Cinderella the step-sisters cut their own feet of just to fit the shoe and later got their eyes pecked out of their skulls. In sleeping beauty she never really woke up and when she did she was probably an old fart and was ugly and was in serious need of botox. And in the little mermaid, the prince dumpd her and she was destined to die. Her sister cut of parts of their bodies just to convince the witch to spare their sister, but the only way to save the little mermaid, was to have the little mermaid kill her love. But off course, she didnt and she died.
the end.
Is that a happly ever after?


So love doesnt exist. It just ruins lives, and makes people go crazy and chop of limbs anbd other necciesties.

Songdoesnt really love Rene...perhaps an illusion of love or maybe Song is a good actress and is true to her missionor whatever. But to call it "love" is like saying Fairytales have a happy ending. because if you think about they really end happyly.ever.after?

Hayley Michelle



I survived today!


Thats good...right? so we finished reading my play, and i expected one out of two things:

1. Them cheering and applauding me with roses and then they would lift me up on my shoulders sings "he's a jolly o'l fellow"

2. In slow motion, they would be sayingh "YYYYYYOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU SSSSSUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!" and me running in the halls having a mental breakdfowna nd them pionting and laughing demonicly.

But niether happened! (yay?) It was less and more than i expected. I didnt cry, and i didnt even feel like crying! which was good. I actually feel pretty good about how things went today in class. I mean, it could have been MUCHHHHHHHHHHHH worse!
So my grammer sucked. that's a given. (grammer and spelling go hand n hand. btw).
Also it was "meloDramatic". which is understandable. And im really angry at myself for being SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO darmn sexist! and i'm a feminist! which ticks me off, but i was attempting to play to the period. (which i also epically failed at). But its already happened, and there is nothing i can do aboujt it but except the facts and move on.
I thoguht it to be very possitive feed-back> i mean, i take all feed-back positive unless its about my hieght/wieght/nose. Critism only can make you better. I love hearing everyone's opinions. Its great to know the honest truth of what people think about you.

Also...wait for it....


I am so old, i watch movies from the stone age! its not even funny, its halarious. I am a time travler. I am stuck in the 1920's and below. and the occasional 80's. I am so un-modern, which sucks.
so my home-work tonight is to become modern!!!!! its going to be SOOO much funn! i get to read, and watch movies, and learn

Also i MUSt Journal to save my LIFEEEEE> My cell phone depends on it. if i cannot get back my A in Theater by the end of the week, my parents are destroying my butterfly!!!! (i named my phone "butterfly" after M. Butterfly, the play we are reading. it just seemed suitable. and butterflies are realllllyyyy pretty. so...ya. ) And i cannot live without my phone. I dont call alot, and i dont text alot. (ok, that last one is a lie...but its only to important people.) I rely on my phone to live. its like...air. I cant breathe without it. So gonig to work my @#* off to get everything perfect!

Wish me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Epic Failure. Karma, and other Jewish related things

PG=100000000000000000000 (anything to bring my grade up)

Ok. Im an epic failure.
I was so angry at myself for what had happened on Friday: I think i sent Ms.Aladren the wrong copy.
There is no way i could have made that many spelling mistakes...(however this blog is not helping my point. do you know how many words i miss-spell every second?...ok. time to shut up now hayley). I have like...a BILLION and eight versions of the play, so it is possible that i sent her the wrong one. (*Slap*)

And everyone was laughing. I mean, its suposed to be a dramatic, not a comic...but then again, they could have been laughing at my spelling.
I dont mind the laughter: but im freaking out because no-one will tell me WHY they were laughing!!! AAAAAAAAAA!
ok, im fine. I can deal with this, really i can. But at the same time i am also a theater kid. ts hard to be fine when it is your nature to be a drama-empress.

I've been fighting with my firned know, the only friend i have in this school? ya. She is majotr bitching, but she is my only friend i have i'm trying my best to not kill her.
We are fine know...she says karma i say hormones. but whatever, the piont is, is that i avioded a majr bitch fight on onday. =)

So thats about it....not alot going on....
ya. I dont want to end my blog! But i have nothing to wright about!
imma start writing a play about how fudged up this week was!!!! (monday-today). I'm not even lying...this week could make a perfect play, like a pinter play. Were no-one can find the fdging truth.

Gonna get started now.
byezz! <3

Hayley Michelle

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Clark Kent? Yes. Clark CAN'T!..i bame canada.


i seriously dont get. i am the most emotionally un-stable person, and i always somehow end up playing theropist to everyone.
My friend lauren just got her heart smashed b some douche named "Clark" who doesnt even live around here, and i wan to smack her. i cant stand her crying. its sounds like fake nails scartching a chalk board while listening to the banjo's played by canadian's in the back ground.
And what makes me even sicker?
they had pet names for eachother.
pet names.
It makes me sick.
She used to call him "Her superman".
Clarl Kent? yes. clark definatly Can't. He cant keep a fudging relationship. She said that he told her that he had "Commitment issuses".
How old is he? 14? how do you know if you have "Commitment issues"? YOUR 14 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! DO YOU JUST SAY STUFF LIKE THAT FOR SHIGGLES?!?!?! (shits y giggles for all candians who are to retardted to understand the combonation of words).
Lauren is over-reackting...but Her super man is more of a super-loser.

So getting back to my day...
WE attmepted to finish of the pit.
I offically despize the pit. At first i as SO excited because it was an "orchestra Pit"...but it almost killed Adjenea, and it gives Jessicia splinters, and it just generally pisses me off. So its evil.

Candians probably built it.
I was really sad.I murdedred a bug. I wanted to give it a funeral..poor buggy. but Mike put masonight on top of it so i couldnt bury it.
EXCITED FOR 2MARROW! going to read my play.
Rumor has it that it wil snow, but if mother nature knew what was good for her...she wouldn't even think about it.
If it snows, i'm gonna be SO mad.

So it will be posted on my blog, and iwill send a link to everyone.
Going to read M. Butterfly now, so good-bye.

Hayley Michelle

Wednesday, January 5, 2011



I come home to find my cat stoned.

Isnt that what everyone wants to hear?
He broke into the cabinet where i keep the cat-nip and ate a hole in the bag.Coverd in head-to-toe in catnip. Rolling around on his back. he as seriously tripping.
And i took it and he want CRAZY!!!! he was like Rosie O" donald when you take away those Waffles, she goes "LEGOO MY EGGO BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I was running for my life.
In the end, he got stoned again and i was hiding in my room in terror.
True story.
my cat is a gay druggie.

Hayley Michelle

Cloning Gabe?


I didnt "PG" yesturday, because my thumb was swolen.
Yesturday we watched a clip from "Fairwell, my concubine". And in one of the first things, i see a child get its thub cut off.
i was SO freaked! i thoguht my finger was gonna get slashed off!!!
So i jinxed mysefl, and moments later i slammed my locker closed on my thumb.
it was all swollen and stuff, so hurt.
I had my friend type up my journal. i told her wahat to write. ..
my finger still hurts.

anywho, We did techining today. (yay) (sarcastic). And we had 2 people come and check us out, Samantha & Darleene.
ASt first it pissed me off because i know them, they are in my other classes. And i thoguht they're were there becasue they were free-loaders making fun of us. Then i was afraid, because if they jion theater my life would be sad becasue they hate me. Theni was happy, because i relized that they really are thinking about being in the arts. and If anyone wants to be part of the arts, who am i to stop them? The more people, the better. much as i hate to admit it...they're not that bad.
But ask me in public how i feel, and i will deny every word of this blog.

Excited for Friday, going 2 read play! Thinking about Casting at the moment.
I want to clone gabe.
u heard me.
He can literally play EVERY character in my play.
Even Bennie. The hardest to cast. because its VERY phsical and painful.
I would personally like to cast myself as Bennie, becasue i know how i want Bennie done...but i cant act. Its just the truth. which sucks. But im seriously considering myself for the part.
Wondering if i can do auditions...dont think possible, but will ask. definatly.

Hayly Michelle

Hayley Michelle

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

God made man first because you need a sloppy copy before you can make a masterpiece

Just beginning to enter the world of M Butterfly. I am currently on Act I Scene 4.

I want to slap Pinkerton.

I want to fudging knock the teeth out of him, then hang him,shoot his dead body, and UPS the corpse to the canadians. they deserve it.

How dare he think that he can do that to a girl. thinks he can marry a girl that he buys, and then leave her. flirting with others in the process.
Thank god that this man is not real. he would be my reason to invent a time machine. i would go back in time and go all kinds of kong-fuwy on him. After all he was in China. Land of Ninja's,sumo wrestler's, and B.D. Wong.
It wont be hard 2 kill him.
I hate the way he thinks ofm women. I know that it was 1904, before women's rights movement... but he has no right to treat me bad just because i am female. I mean,really? God made us 2nd, so we are techinically better.
Humans are like cars: they're's always a new model comingout. The man are old, the women are new.
You need a sloppy copy-before you can make a masterpiece.
its life: cry me a river, build a bridge, and just get over it.

We're not really that diffrent anyways.
But so far, i am pissed off at Pinkerton. But i will admit that i am enjoying the play so far. i love the act that i can have an oppinion. Rather than none at all/

Hayley Michelle

Monday, January 3, 2011

My house is the fudging salem witch trials: i'm burning at the stake


I give up. I just give up.
They say you cant please everyone..and they're right. I cant please ANYONE. no matter what i do, or how hard i try. It's never good enough. I am so un-apreciatated, and every little mistake i make is the end of the world.

Not everyone os perfect. ok? im certiantly not perfect.
i try to be.
I dont want to. There are so many things that i dont want to do, but i do it. To make others happy. and when i say my opinion, no matter wheather its politics or i say i think im gonig 2 wear yellow socks today, i'm accused like im a witch in the salem trials.
they want to kill me.
Burn me at the stake.

They want me to be their little doll. A puppet. i am not a puppet. i am nobody's puppet. you dont put me on strings, i do not do things on command. You want a doll? go to fudging Toys-r-us. but i am not a doll.

They want to ruin me.
I get absolutly no support what so ever. I cant move without needing to have approval of someone. i hate it. i want to leave. I want to leave, i want to run. no destination. just run. far away, to someplace quite like wisconsin. We're everyone is a loser, loserville. and i can be great, and aprecaited, and perfect for once in my god-damn life.

My parents are seriously considering taking me out of the thatrical arts program.
I try and tell my friends, and they want me to get kicked out. One little flaw, and all of a sudden im this terrible, horrible, un-deserving,lazy girl who will do nothing in her life but be a free-loader to her hard working parents.

Im not leaving. They can take me out of here when they can carry me out with a toe-tag on my dead corpse rotting in the spotlight on the stage. Until the day they drag me out on my ass, i will stay here, in this program. no matter what. This is what I want. Not what they want. Not what you want. Or you, or you or any of you.
but me.

Hayley Michelle

I dont do "ups"


i seriously miss blogging. Theater was surprising fun today. 9not that it was surprising. i was thinking that im gonna burst into to tears. ill sxplain later in blog. but i thoguht i would hate it, but i feel not as bad as i thought i would).

Ms.Aladren has sadly, finally, noticed that thater kids are not fit. except gabe. but he doesnt count becuase i think he is Canadian. or from planted Lady Gaga, from the galaxy of awsome. so we had to do 50 squats, 50 sit-ups, 50 push-ups, and a 10 second plank.

Squats were ok. i like squats. but after that....
Huston we have a problem:

I dont do "ups". I can do downs. give me a seat and i'll sit down, give me a bowl of penuts i'll wolf it down, Give me a bed and i'll Lie down. give me a sumo wrestler (or Rosie O'Donald. either or) and i'll Throw-down.
But i dont do ups.
Ups defy the law of gravity.
And i obey the law.

But i fear Ms.Aladren more than the law...yuo see....Aladren is spanish. And i'm french. You dont fight spanish people because for sport they kill bulls.In france for sport we smoke and take off our clothes and loveeee.
Some say that you should fight your wars with love...unless your against the spanish. If your against the spanish you got have some death-wish if you fight: cuz u gonna die!

So i did my best. Sit -ups are fine. they're ok.

and then the push-ups.

I never learned how to do a push-up. I dont think i ever will. I have the worst body strength EVER. no matter how hard i tryyyy. My old gym teachers gave up on me, so i never did gym. I just set upfor all the gym-pep rally's. 9haha, and pulled all these great pranks! hahah! put glu eon the tug-a-war rope...water baloons...hhahahaha...god times). Anywho..i dont know how to do a push up.
I tried i really did, and i thoguht i was gonna cry becaus ei was Spo un-fit...but i didnt. I dont even thinki do ONE right.
Going to learn if it kills me. Planks hurt, and i slid because of my socks, but i can manage that.

After the "work-out", we did a rythm excerise. It was awsome: wanted to record the sounds we made and make music out of it and record a CD. hahaha, buti didnt have my recording equipment with me and it would be un-rpofessional. hahaha, will try and recreate with friends at home. anywho,
Reading M. Butterfly. AMAZING! gonna find "boys life" and prove them all wrong about the oranges monolugue. They thinks is 2 sexual 4 me.hahaha, i'm Bi-polar. Im a nun and a lucifer. haha, evillll..... like, an exceorisist...person/demon..thing....

so i wanna see just how bad the monolugue really is. gonna find it.
also they said something about "blue waffles" and everyone started freaking out.
I dont get it.
I like waffles. I like red waffles, green waffles on St.Patricks day...what's wrong with blue waffles?

Hayley Michelle

12 days of Winter Break- (BLOG SONG)


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! it feels good to back! so usally after winter break, teachers always ask you what you've done over winter break:
This just "says" it all. Enjoy the worlds worst Winter report EVER!!!

"Sung to the tune of the crappy christian song: "Twelve days of Christmas". the only christmas song actually writien BY a christian."

The first day of winter break this happened to me/ I walked into a tree/
On the second day of winter break this happened to me/ I got hit on by this Jew & walked into a tree/
On the third day of winter break this happened to me/ I did the time warp/ got hit on by this Jew & walked into a tree/
On the fourth day of winter break this happened to me/ I found a kitten/ then did the time warp/ got hit on by this Jew/ and walked into a tree/
On the fifth day of winter break this happened to me/ absolutely nothing (got snowed in)/ I found a kitten/ then did the time warp/got hit on by this Jew/ and walked into a tree/
On the sixth day of winter break this happened to me/ I lost my marbles/ absolutely nothing (got snowed in)/ I found a kitten/ then did the time warp/got hit on by this Jew/ and walked into a tree/
On the seventh day of winter break this happened to me/ I worked 7 hours/ I lost my marbles/ Absolutely nothing (got snowed in)/ I found a kitten/ then did the time warp/ got hit on by this Jew/ and walked into a tree./
On the eighth day of winter break this happened to me/ went to shopaholic anonymous// I worked 7 hours/ I lost my marbles/ Absolutely nothing (got snowed in)/ I found a kitten/ then did the time warp/ got hit on by this Jew/ and walked into a tree./
On the ninth day of winter break this happened to me/ got 11 new year’s kisses./ went to shopaholic anonymous// I worked 7 hours/ I lost my marbles/ Absolutely nothing (got snowed in)/ I found a kitten/ then did the time warp/ got hit on by this Jew/ and walked into a tree./
On the tenth day of winter break this happened to me/ I partied like KE$HA/ got 11 new year’s kisses./ went to shopaholic anonymous// I worked 7 hours/ I lost my marbles/ Absolutely nothing (got snowed in)/ I found a kitten/ then did the time warp/ got hit on by this Jew/ and walked into a tree./
On the eleventh day of winter break this happened to me/ I went on-line shopping/ I partied like KE$HA/ got 11 New Year’s kisses. / went to shopaholic anonymous// I worked 7 hours/ I lost my marbles/ Absolutely nothing (got snowed in)/ I found a kitten/ then did the time warp/ got hit on by this Jew/ and walked into a tree./
On the twelfth day of winter break this happened to me/ I wrote this song/ went on-line shopping/ I partied like KE$HA/ got 11 New Year’s kisses. / went to shopaholic anonymous// I worked 7 hours/ I lost my marbles/ Absolutely nothing (got snowed in)/ I found a kitten/ then did the time warp/ got hit on by this Jew/ and walked into a tree./