Monday, January 10, 2011

More ButterFly

Yay! more butterfly! wooo!!!! ok, so i continue 2 read, and i am still confused.

Is it JUST me, or am i the only one who finds it odd/wierd/symbolic/what the fudge/holy crap/ gross/ that Rene is having sex with Renee.
If i were to meet someone named "hayley" i would be freaked out! i wouldn't look her in the eyes, none the less have sex with her! (1. imma good girl. sex is wronga t this age. 2. im not lesbian).
I just find it SO odd.
But then i think about it more...and its symbolic in a way.i think. But this is my oppinion, so you can all kiss my #@^, and shut up and listen. =)

I think that rene is having Sex with Renee, to symbolism him just having sex with himself. To reassure his love for Butterfly. i mean, we all know tthat Butterfly is a man, and in this situation, Renne is CLEARLY a female. Perhaps he is trying to continue to convince himself that he is hetrosexual, instead of homosexual.
I personally belive that Rene knows all along that Song is a man. ((lmfao, "DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY!!!" . hahaha, love you ZZ Top!!!)
He is just so deep into the closet, that he is afraid to even think about the truth.
There are times when we ourselfs wont admit the truth. Thats we are afraid of it. Terrified.
Rene is afraid to admit his homosexuality. it was 'wrong back then. I mean, you cant help it if your gay. Its just you. You cant cahnge it or decide. Your born that way. But back then...people were very homoaphobic.

There is a line in the play (again, i dont have the play with me. so this is what i remember, but it is there!) were someone (who is worknig with the communists i think) tells Song that , "you know, Homosexuallity is not allowed in China. correct?".

Hayley Michelle

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