Thursday, January 13, 2011

Love songs suck and FairyTales aren't true


I feel bad. =(
i basically flipped everyone off today in calss. We got into this wierd disgussion about love, and i lost it.
I think i ruined some lives in there. Idk, but i feel bad.
I mean, dont get me wrong: im not taking back what i said about "love" because its true:

There is love of family, love of music, love of choclate.
But there is no "Love".
Happy endings aren't real. Life is not a disney movie. Build a bridge, and get over it. There are no prince charmings, no Knights in shinning armor, just you.

You are the author. Only you can write the ending to your story, by either endingthe tale with you rescuring yourself or waiting for a prince that will never Fudging come.

He will leave you there, in that high tower gaurded by the evil dragon of regret and guilt. He will leave you there, waiting, and waiting, and waiting. and he will never come, no matter how much you pray.
Or even worse:
He will come. He will rescue you, and parade you around on his white stallion and you will live "Happly Ever After". until he hears another Damsel crying out in distress and leaves you all alone. He will leave you in peices, ripped apart on the floor. He will leave you: they always do.

I know your probably thinking that i'm synical. That im a demented, satanic child in much need of theropy.
Maybe your right.
But where you are wrong; is thinking that i'm wrong.because i am not.

Some think love does exist in the world. But they are wrong. Or maybe blind. They dont see the evil around them, they dotn see the heartbreak.
They dont notice the iceburg in the water until its too late. and then they sink 2 and a half miles down into the black depths of the atlantic ocean.

Hearts are paper. They can be colored in and made whole, they can be left blank and empty. Some hearts are big, some are small.
Hearts can give you papercuts.
Cuts erywhere; all around.
Cuts that bleed.
cuts that hurt.

Love songs suck, Fairytales aren't true,Happy endings dont exist.
And worst of all: The people who belive in love, are so nice. And dont deserve to get hurt...but they do. They always do.
Cupid shoots arrows, and arrows peirce and hurt. They stab, they cut.Love is a pioson. it kills. Drenched on the arrow's tip. And once in are doomed to a future of heartbreak.
Only then, when you realize how truely evil love is, and how much the world around you is satnic and evil...only then, will the pain and suffering stop.
Until then?
we are doomed: For a painful, heartbreaking,tommarrow awaits us all.

Hayley Michelle

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