Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Baby Names"



I am reading Song and Rene's
"baby names".


"PeePee"? "Ping Pong"? "Long Dong"? "Adolph"?


Ok, they are both offically smoking some chinese weed. Who would do that to thier child. \
Do they seriously have a death wish for that baby? if i was named something like that....'PeePee'...can you imagine the humiliation in school?!?!?
that's just. messed.up.
That poor, poor baby.
And also, Adolph?
What, do they want the baby to be a german dictator?!?!?

That it: its offical.
I'm gonig to name one of my adopted children, Adolph.
Adolph Elizibeth Hitler.

along with my 3 other addopted Children:
"Indigo Montya"
"Bruno" my gay black son from south Ugandya.

Hayley Michelle

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