Friday, January 14, 2011

The freshmen Hate me again


The freshmen hate me again. We were "watching"
500 days of Summer
and alot of them were talking about how they hate Summer, because of her views on love and relationships...and it was freaking me out how similiar Summer and I i naturally, had to back her up.
And of course, it went down hill from there.
I told them my views on life and love and happy endings, and they looked at me like i had 7 heads.
And then we began talking about why i think the way i do about love....i wouldn't DARE put it on my blog.... because some peple dont need to know all about my...just..just forget it.
Piont is...they all think i'm either:
a. lying
b. exagerating
c. crazy
d. all of the above and more

Im synical. Im confussing. Thats me. I smile, and im bubbly...but i kinda hate teh world. And they all dont like me because im just too out there. I get it.
"Im an Aquired taste".

I mean, they probably dont HATE me...but they cant stand me and they dont agree with my views on life. And it ticks me off when people say that.
A few days ago, My sanish teacher, Ms.CZ (cant spell her name) she said, and i quote:

"You know hayley, you really ARE an aquired taste".

Do you know how sick and tired i am of hearing that? "aquired taste" "aquired taste"."aquired taste"


ok? i dont need this. It hurts. to know that "aquired taste" is the polite way of saying "we all hate you but we have to put up with you".
Its like running away from bee's covered in honey and flowers. You just cant get away. It never goes away. like a a bad tattoo that says:
"Sorry. i messed up, love mom"

And i really am sick of hearing it! I know everyone will say "its ok, they'll learn to like you" , and "you'll grow into it".
i dont want to hear it. I want to be liked now.
I mean, not EVERYONE is gonna like me...but seriously?

God, if you are out there...WHY ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Wish Me Luck,
Hayley Michelle

1 comment:

  1. legit - you should write a big ass SOC about being an acquired taste...
    'cause you are freaking hilarious - but i wrote a college essay about acquired tastes, not how i am one, but how i enjoy them..
    anywho - i think if you write a SOC about it, you'll get A LOT of material to write with

    - and it doesn't even have to be on blogger, it could just be kept nice and safe and personal as a file on your computer

