Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cloning Gabe?


I didnt "PG" yesturday, because my thumb was swolen.
Yesturday we watched a clip from "Fairwell, my concubine". And in one of the first things, i see a child get its thub cut off.
i was SO freaked! i thoguht my finger was gonna get slashed off!!!
So i jinxed mysefl, and moments later i slammed my locker closed on my thumb.
it was all swollen and stuff, so hurt.
I had my friend type up my journal. i told her wahat to write. ..
my finger still hurts.

anywho, We did techining today. (yay) (sarcastic). And we had 2 people come and check us out, Samantha & Darleene.
ASt first it pissed me off because i know them, they are in my other classes. And i thoguht they're were there becasue they were free-loaders making fun of us. Then i was afraid, because if they jion theater my life would be sad becasue they hate me. Theni was happy, because i relized that they really are thinking about being in the arts. and If anyone wants to be part of the arts, who am i to stop them? The more people, the better. much as i hate to admit it...they're not that bad.
But ask me in public how i feel, and i will deny every word of this blog.

Excited for Friday, going 2 read play! Thinking about Casting at the moment.
I want to clone gabe.
u heard me.
He can literally play EVERY character in my play.
Even Bennie. The hardest to cast. because its VERY phsical and painful.
I would personally like to cast myself as Bennie, becasue i know how i want Bennie done...but i cant act. Its just the truth. which sucks. But im seriously considering myself for the part.
Wondering if i can do auditions...dont think possible, but will ask. definatly.

Hayly Michelle

Hayley Michelle

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