Friday, January 21, 2011

Attempt dancing


I dont think i can take another dance class.
I think if i attend another dance class i'm going to spontanously commbust like a super-nova.
I dont like dance classes because every time i go to a dance class i feel like turd.
It makes me feel so bad about myself.
I dont like to see myself in tights: i have lumber legs.
I feel fat and insicure and i dance like an elephant with an amputated leg.

I hate dance: im just going to come out and say it.
it is the only thing standing in my way of being perfect. I mean, everyone can dance. my cat dances, and he's pretty damn good at it too! But i cant dance.
i don't know. Usally im good at tondu's and such...but i was in SOOOo much pain today. I couldn't even piont my toes, i was in so much pain.
Its because i was tense. I was like a robot made of tin. I couldn't move.
And i know why too....

I dont let people get in my way...this is going to sound really bad...but if people are in the way of my dreams and goals i will bulldozer them over.
They are like steppping stones...but....i dont know.
There is this girl in the freshmen dance class.
She used to go to my old school.

I am terrifyied of this girl.
She made my life a living hell.

We used to share a locker: she was the top locker and i was the bottom locker. We used to fight over who got to go first...and she would always win after beating the crap out of me. She would throw stones at me, and once she pushed me out of the way to get to her locker and in the process, slammed my head against a locker door.
And everytime i seee her she gives me the "death glare" and i get so tense cuz i'm afraid she's going to hurt me.
I just cant do it.
I know that i have to work with people i dont like sometimes. I know. I work with people that i HATE everyday of my life.
But i cant do it. I'm so terrifyed that i cant do good.

I looked like a total IDIOT. I mean, i wasn't focussing. I was so distracted,
I couldnt even skip across the floor. Heck, i couldn't even stand correctly. I was freaking out. I was tense, and scared to death. I jsut feel so vonurable and weak when im there...and i cant stand it.

Im sorry. But... i dont know if can handle another dance class.

Wish me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle

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