Tuesday, January 4, 2011

God made man first because you need a sloppy copy before you can make a masterpiece

Just beginning to enter the world of M Butterfly. I am currently on Act I Scene 4.

I want to slap Pinkerton.

I want to fudging knock the teeth out of him, then hang him,shoot his dead body, and UPS the corpse to the canadians. they deserve it.

How dare he think that he can do that to a girl. thinks he can marry a girl that he buys, and then leave her. flirting with others in the process.
Thank god that this man is not real. he would be my reason to invent a time machine. i would go back in time and go all kinds of kong-fuwy on him. After all he was in China. Land of Ninja's,sumo wrestler's, and B.D. Wong.
It wont be hard 2 kill him.
I hate the way he thinks ofm women. I know that it was 1904, before women's rights movement... but he has no right to treat me bad just because i am female. I mean,really? God made us 2nd, so we are techinically better.
Humans are like cars: they're's always a new model comingout. The man are old, the women are new.
You need a sloppy copy-before you can make a masterpiece.
its life: cry me a river, build a bridge, and just get over it.

We're not really that diffrent anyways.
But so far, i am pissed off at Pinkerton. But i will admit that i am enjoying the play so far. i love the act that i can have an oppinion. Rather than none at all/

Hayley Michelle

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