Friday, January 28, 2011

Feeling and looking like crap. =(


Im really sorry for being sick. the nurse wouldn't let me go to shop because she said "i was too sick".
i was later sent home: now at work...still sick.

I hate being sick: i already took 12 air-borne's (ran out), 2 tylenols,and 1 sutafed.
not helping.

grrr... i need to feel better.

tomarrow is the open house at my totally awsome school, and a bunch of my friends are comnig to check it out.
I WAS volenteered to be a guide, but they said i cant because "im too sick".

"too sick" is when your coughing up blood. (not fun, trust me). so until that piont, i go to school and do what i have to do. Because i have responcibilites and i cant let anything slow me down.

So im gonig anyways, and i will be better, because i am going to get more air-borne.

Wish me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle

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