Monday, January 10, 2011

M butterfly

i dont have the Norton with me now. (at grandparents house. think im gonna die. they smell like prunes, old people, boiled eggs,and more old people). (but i still luv them ) <3.
So this is all from the top of my head, and what i know of M Butterfly.

I thought that M Butterfly would be exactly like Madame Butterfly...but i was SO wrong. So aparently "butterfly" (aka "song", aka really good chinese drag-queen) is a spy. Song is a dude. And i think he actually loves Rene, but he is also being faithful to his duties (aka finding something out about people attacking vietnam? something like that). and that is confussing me. I mean, how can you love someone when you were hired to use them and then toss them aside when you are done? i mean, thats probably why i can't be a spy. I wouldn't fall in love with people i was using, or supposed to kill, or somethning like that. I dont belive in love. its stupid. (long story. and i mean, LONGGGGGGGGGGGG story). But i would still be at fear for something like that to happened. I mean, it wouldnt happen because love isnt real. but love can apear as an illusion. You can think your in love, and can think "this is it. the person i'm gonig to spend the rest of my life with. i love them and they love me. and we will live happly ever after, just like Cinderella, and Sleeping beauty, and the little mermaid".
well your wrong. because the real versions of those stories didnt end up so happy. In Cinderella the step-sisters cut their own feet of just to fit the shoe and later got their eyes pecked out of their skulls. In sleeping beauty she never really woke up and when she did she was probably an old fart and was ugly and was in serious need of botox. And in the little mermaid, the prince dumpd her and she was destined to die. Her sister cut of parts of their bodies just to convince the witch to spare their sister, but the only way to save the little mermaid, was to have the little mermaid kill her love. But off course, she didnt and she died.
the end.
Is that a happly ever after?


So love doesnt exist. It just ruins lives, and makes people go crazy and chop of limbs anbd other necciesties.

Songdoesnt really love Rene...perhaps an illusion of love or maybe Song is a good actress and is true to her missionor whatever. But to call it "love" is like saying Fairytales have a happy ending. because if you think about they really end happyly.ever.after?

Hayley Michelle

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