Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Boy Crazyness.Monolugues. and SQUIRLE!!!!!


Theater was fun today, I accidently called cheasey's pants "ugly/distusgusting".
I DIDNT KNOW THEY WERE HER'S!!!!! AGG! ( *slaps face* )

Helpful notes today...need to get even MOREEEE modern by being an easdropper. (i know, wierd advise...but so far i've learned ALOTTTT more than i want to from ease dropping. I found out that my friend is a dirty lying skanky cheater on her bf in the navy, and that This guy likes me, but he still is fudging around with this other girl instead of make his move on me, and that my friend has Rocky Horror theamed undi-wear.TIGHTY-WHITIESSS!!!!)

Also, that i should get a monolgue. We did acting today, even though i thought we were going to finish my play feed-back....oh wellz. =)
anywhooooooo....I felt left out. I mean, the excersize was to say our monolugues...and other stuff that i cant describe. (not like that! its totally
I just felt left out...i mean, i'm not one of them. I'm diffrent. unique. I'm going to get a monlugue...because i will end up acting no-matter i'm looking into the "oranges" monolugue from Boy's Life.

I originally wanted to do Fiona's monolugue...but Katie AND fiona is doing it. i mean, do i want to do what everyone else is doing? no. I need to stand out on my own two feet. Ya, it would be great to have in my repitour (rep-it-tar) (didn't know how to spell it or a synonym...sorr) but its not the right time...

The only reason i really want to do the orange's monolugue is because everyone say's "i can't" "its not hayley" "you'll laugh through the whole thing".
Well...all i have to say is that, i can do anything. "hayley" isn't just ONE thing...she's many things. And ya...the hayley that is at school doesn't curse, and is a lady, and laughs and is bubbly....but when people aren't around? ask any of the freshmen how sick and sadistic i am. Ask my old school friends....ha! THat would SHOCK YOUUUUU!!!!! hahahahahahah.....
I'm a mobile. I'm constantly the latest fashion craze. And i always will be changing...and i really think that i need to let it fly. I mean...i have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much angst i'm holding in..(duh, im a teenagerrrr.)

and I'm going to be honest with you.... I think i could do Fiona's monolugue in a heart beat. in fact...its sorta like deja-vu....I feel as if i've already said this.
But that's another reason why i shouldn't do that monolugue...Its WAYYYY to similiar...(dont ask....just...leave it as it is. LONG storyyy....)
I mean, if i DO that monolugue i could do it great...but i also could go alittle overboard and start screaming at actual people that i know...instead of the character i'm supposed to be talking to. I could go on this extreame...un-stoppaable..rampage of hate and destruction....
They say theater is about taking risks...but thats not something i want to risk...people ALREADY think im insaine...lets not push it.

Wish Me Luck,
Hayley Michelle

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