Monday, January 3, 2011

My house is the fudging salem witch trials: i'm burning at the stake


I give up. I just give up.
They say you cant please everyone..and they're right. I cant please ANYONE. no matter what i do, or how hard i try. It's never good enough. I am so un-apreciatated, and every little mistake i make is the end of the world.

Not everyone os perfect. ok? im certiantly not perfect.
i try to be.
I dont want to. There are so many things that i dont want to do, but i do it. To make others happy. and when i say my opinion, no matter wheather its politics or i say i think im gonig 2 wear yellow socks today, i'm accused like im a witch in the salem trials.
they want to kill me.
Burn me at the stake.

They want me to be their little doll. A puppet. i am not a puppet. i am nobody's puppet. you dont put me on strings, i do not do things on command. You want a doll? go to fudging Toys-r-us. but i am not a doll.

They want to ruin me.
I get absolutly no support what so ever. I cant move without needing to have approval of someone. i hate it. i want to leave. I want to leave, i want to run. no destination. just run. far away, to someplace quite like wisconsin. We're everyone is a loser, loserville. and i can be great, and aprecaited, and perfect for once in my god-damn life.

My parents are seriously considering taking me out of the thatrical arts program.
I try and tell my friends, and they want me to get kicked out. One little flaw, and all of a sudden im this terrible, horrible, un-deserving,lazy girl who will do nothing in her life but be a free-loader to her hard working parents.

Im not leaving. They can take me out of here when they can carry me out with a toe-tag on my dead corpse rotting in the spotlight on the stage. Until the day they drag me out on my ass, i will stay here, in this program. no matter what. This is what I want. Not what they want. Not what you want. Or you, or you or any of you.
but me.

Hayley Michelle

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