Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Epic Failure. Karma, and other Jewish related things

PG=100000000000000000000 (anything to bring my grade up)

Ok. Im an epic failure.
I was so angry at myself for what had happened on Friday: I think i sent Ms.Aladren the wrong copy.
There is no way i could have made that many spelling mistakes...(however this blog is not helping my point. do you know how many words i miss-spell every second?...ok. time to shut up now hayley). I have like...a BILLION and eight versions of the play, so it is possible that i sent her the wrong one. (*Slap*)

And everyone was laughing. I mean, its suposed to be a dramatic, not a comic...but then again, they could have been laughing at my spelling.
I dont mind the laughter: but im freaking out because no-one will tell me WHY they were laughing!!! AAAAAAAAAA!
ok, im fine. I can deal with this, really i can. But at the same time i am also a theater kid. ts hard to be fine when it is your nature to be a drama-empress.

I've been fighting with my firned know, the only friend i have in this school? ya. She is majotr bitching, but she is my only friend i have i'm trying my best to not kill her.
We are fine know...she says karma i say hormones. but whatever, the piont is, is that i avioded a majr bitch fight on onday. =)

So thats about it....not alot going on....
ya. I dont want to end my blog! But i have nothing to wright about!
imma start writing a play about how fudged up this week was!!!! (monday-today). I'm not even lying...this week could make a perfect play, like a pinter play. Were no-one can find the fdging truth.

Gonna get started now.
byezz! <3

Hayley Michelle

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