Thursday, January 6, 2011

Clark Kent? Yes. Clark CAN'T!..i bame canada.


i seriously dont get. i am the most emotionally un-stable person, and i always somehow end up playing theropist to everyone.
My friend lauren just got her heart smashed b some douche named "Clark" who doesnt even live around here, and i wan to smack her. i cant stand her crying. its sounds like fake nails scartching a chalk board while listening to the banjo's played by canadian's in the back ground.
And what makes me even sicker?
they had pet names for eachother.
pet names.
It makes me sick.
She used to call him "Her superman".
Clarl Kent? yes. clark definatly Can't. He cant keep a fudging relationship. She said that he told her that he had "Commitment issuses".
How old is he? 14? how do you know if you have "Commitment issues"? YOUR 14 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! DO YOU JUST SAY STUFF LIKE THAT FOR SHIGGLES?!?!?! (shits y giggles for all candians who are to retardted to understand the combonation of words).
Lauren is over-reackting...but Her super man is more of a super-loser.

So getting back to my day...
WE attmepted to finish of the pit.
I offically despize the pit. At first i as SO excited because it was an "orchestra Pit"...but it almost killed Adjenea, and it gives Jessicia splinters, and it just generally pisses me off. So its evil.

Candians probably built it.
I was really sad.I murdedred a bug. I wanted to give it a funeral..poor buggy. but Mike put masonight on top of it so i couldnt bury it.
EXCITED FOR 2MARROW! going to read my play.
Rumor has it that it wil snow, but if mother nature knew what was good for her...she wouldn't even think about it.
If it snows, i'm gonna be SO mad.

So it will be posted on my blog, and iwill send a link to everyone.
Going to read M. Butterfly now, so good-bye.

Hayley Michelle

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