Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Ok. im up to Act II, scene I.

Troy is a cheater
Rose is sweet (like her name)
and GABE!!!!! (the character...and lmfao the person too)

Ok, i just cant help but think of Gabe when i read this play. I dont know why, but i was thinking about the characeter of gabe, and now i assosiate Gabe's face with the character of Gabe.
(*slaps face*)

ok, got that out...hmm...waht else do i think of fences....

I hate the fact that Troy is re-living his pain through Cory.

Troy is not lettingCory play football because he  is still getting over the fact that he wasn't allowed to paly sports.
Troy was turned down by a major league teams (because of his old age, but he tells everyone it was because of his color. It was also probably that too, but the piont is, is that Times are changing and no-one really relizes that).
Troy was turned down, and he tells his son he cant play sports because he will be turned down too because of his color.

I mean, really? your ruining your sons dreams. Hopes and dreams. Jsut shut up and let the guy play! I mean, ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! GET OVER IT!
You weren't the great sucsess story, so at least give your son a chance to atleast try and be that!

Hayley Michelle

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