Monday, January 10, 2011



I survived today!


Thats good...right? so we finished reading my play, and i expected one out of two things:

1. Them cheering and applauding me with roses and then they would lift me up on my shoulders sings "he's a jolly o'l fellow"

2. In slow motion, they would be sayingh "YYYYYYOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU SSSSSUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!" and me running in the halls having a mental breakdfowna nd them pionting and laughing demonicly.

But niether happened! (yay?) It was less and more than i expected. I didnt cry, and i didnt even feel like crying! which was good. I actually feel pretty good about how things went today in class. I mean, it could have been MUCHHHHHHHHHHHH worse!
So my grammer sucked. that's a given. (grammer and spelling go hand n hand. btw).
Also it was "meloDramatic". which is understandable. And im really angry at myself for being SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO darmn sexist! and i'm a feminist! which ticks me off, but i was attempting to play to the period. (which i also epically failed at). But its already happened, and there is nothing i can do aboujt it but except the facts and move on.
I thoguht it to be very possitive feed-back> i mean, i take all feed-back positive unless its about my hieght/wieght/nose. Critism only can make you better. I love hearing everyone's opinions. Its great to know the honest truth of what people think about you.

Also...wait for it....


I am so old, i watch movies from the stone age! its not even funny, its halarious. I am a time travler. I am stuck in the 1920's and below. and the occasional 80's. I am so un-modern, which sucks.
so my home-work tonight is to become modern!!!!! its going to be SOOO much funn! i get to read, and watch movies, and learn

Also i MUSt Journal to save my LIFEEEEE> My cell phone depends on it. if i cannot get back my A in Theater by the end of the week, my parents are destroying my butterfly!!!! (i named my phone "butterfly" after M. Butterfly, the play we are reading. it just seemed suitable. and butterflies are realllllyyyy pretty. so...ya. ) And i cannot live without my phone. I dont call alot, and i dont text alot. (ok, that last one is a lie...but its only to important people.) I rely on my phone to live. its like...air. I cant breathe without it. So gonig to work my @#* off to get everything perfect!

Wish me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle

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