Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We Were busy, and We were Sorry.

Pg=99999999 (aka 100)

We are sorry for not blogging earlier, for we were busy reading Anthem by Ayn Rand. They are Genuis, for they have written in such a way that is so unique. They have written in odd pronouns. And we think it to be facinating.

We think it to be bold, and we think it to be beautiful.

We were also busy creating our own little beauty. For we have began to write a new play.
We have began to open our eyes to the world we are in. We have have began to see exactly how blind we were, living in the shadows of the little known good in this evil world. We have decided to write. We have decided to write, and explain the transformation of the world. For nothing is good anymore.
Nothing is pure, nothing is saint like.

We are not good.
We are not holy, we are not safe.
We are one.
United we stand, and we stand alone.

We must relize this before we can continue to live our lives, for if we do not understand that we are alone...we will surely be alone, tucked inside a shell hiding the world. Avioding everything. Not aknowladging the changing of the world.
For we now see that the world is forver changing. We know see how much we have miss, and we are hoping to be forgiven, for we are sorry.

We are writing, and forever writing. WE cannot stop. We are driven by a force which has no name, and we are driven to madness.

We are living in a world, were we are consummed by 7 sins every day.

We are consummed by Pide.
We are consummed by Lust.
We are consummed by Anger.
We are consummed by Gluttony.
We are consummed by Greed.
We are consummed by Sloth.
We are consummed by Envy.

We are evil. True to the core. We are living sin.
We do not care. For they do not care for the sinful. They do not care for the weak. They do not care for us.

And we are driven to show them that.
We are driven to tell teh world, that they are corupt and evil.

We are no longer Hayley.
We are no longer ourselves.
For we have a number.

When we began school, back in the times when eveything was pure and golden and new.... we were assighned a number.
an ID.
a name.

We are no longer Hayley.

We are number 19776.
We are numb.
we are drowning.
Drowning in the their lost dreams.
We are Drowning in the ocean of dreams, and when we are about to go under and colapse beneathe the waves of wishes...we are floating down stream of the lost and wasted ideas of the world.

We are the new generation of men and women.
We are new...but we are not pure.
We are not pure....for we are evil.

We are who we are...and we do not like what we see.
We do not like what we are told, we do not like what we do.

But we cannot change.
For we are only human.
We are one.

One: untied we stand...alone.

Hayley Michelle (19776)

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