Friday, January 14, 2011

Fences is ticking me offffffffffffff

I dont think im going to be able to finish this play.



Im just gonna have to suck it up, like spongebob.


Im currently on page 1360.....which is 2 if the play was in its own book.

Ok..Troy is white, i think...and Bono is black?
(GOD i sound so racist!!! grrrr)
(*slaps self*)
But i mean...its important. With the N wqord being dropped like a bomb between every other word...its nice to know! I mean, if Bono was of color, wouldn't he get the N word?
And now that i think about Troy black too? i mean, he IS complaning about "all the white men driving and teh colored picking up trash".....and if he was white, why would he be complainging?

Ok, i have think i got it: They are both black.
ok....god i hate this play. grrrr. So much slang.
now please excuse me while i go ram my head into the wall before i continue reading this.

Hayley Michelle

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