Thursday, January 20, 2011

Misner and other things on my mind that you dont care about.


Ok. I am offically giving up boys. (well...all the boys except my boyfriend.)
There was this guy i had...sorta a "fling" with before i started dating john...after i broke it off with him we still sorta kept in touch.
And lately he's been acting like a chick at "that time of month" . i mean, seriously crazy bi-polar action.

We were on FB last night, (figures. most of my problems start there), and we were just talking about normal stuff and all of a sudden he dropped the Fudge bomb on me.

he was talking about how "i broke his heart" and made him "cut himself with a rusty house key" and "you made me hate life".
And then he told me, (i literally copied and pasted this from the chat to here. this is all real)(he is talking 2 me when he says you...btw).

"You could have anyone you want. You just have to piont your fingers, and there will be someone who wants you."
and that made me feel good until i read the rest of his sentance...
" But now? i couldn't give a shit weather you live or die. Who in god's name made you queen? If we were the last two people on earth i would sooner shoot my brains out than be with you,your a little jewish, jappy, whore. Ya, i said. WHORE. thats what you are. Jumping around to everyone,breaking there hearts, AND YOU ENJOY IT, you sick little bastard. You enjoy my pain, you enjoy to see me cry over you. So you know what? screw you. Literally. Screw you, you dirty, lying, little whore."

and then i sat there for a few minutes...and...i just...i didn't do anything. I mean, Alot of people tell me things and i put up with it...but nobody really "told me off".
He did.
And it felt good to feel that raw hurt...but it also sucked like fudging balls. And i wasn't mad...because everything he said was true...

and today we did misner, or what i like to call it:


and i was doing Misner with casey. And she was freaking me a cute little alien hampster. It was freakkyyyy. and then i did misner with gabe.

I like gabe. he's nice, has cury hair, is tallented, is eaither an alien or candian (or both), and he is jewish. wahts not to like?

but i seriously just wanted to punch him where it hurts.
He told me i looked like a mouse, and for some reason it reminded me of what micheal had said to me through that chat...and i wanted to punch him.
I would have too...but im nice,and gabe is a seniour.....and he reads my blog.


but i mean....Im not going to take my anger out on others. i mean, i dont belive thats right. Its not fair to blame people for others actions...but its just so easy to force the blame on someone else!
But im not that kind of person...
gonig to talk to micheal now about what happened in the chat room.
hope he responds and doesn't let it fly on me again.

Wish Me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle

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