Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sorry...i didnt know we had to blog.


Sorry. I didnt know we had to blog, just asked my cat. (he knows everythingggg). (that and i got board. so i'm gonig to blog anyways...)

Had a fun weekend.
Friday- stayd home and cleaned like cinderella. (i found SOOOOO much S!^* in my shoe closey, its ont even fun...i found: 26 pairs of shoes, a box of gram crackers, my cat's winter booties, my cat, my Couch ristlet, 48 wrappers of channucka gelt form a few years ago, 3 capo's for my guitar, and 17 braclets, 39 bobby pins, and A PARTRICH IN A PAIR TREEEEEEE!!!!) (i actually didn't find the last one...but wouldn't that be awsome if i did?!?!)

Saturday- i went to a funeral and flirted with my "cousin". You see, he's actually not my cousin. My 2nd cousin 2wice removed got a divorce, and then married again, and had a child, whop is now grown up and adopted a 15 year old son named Zack. h, and i was at a funeral because soeone i know died. All i know is that i look good in black, so i dont care who died, as long as their is a party afterwards.

Sunday- Went clubbing with friends( Megan, Adrianna, Faith, Her "bf" matt, me and my bf John.), i didn't get roofied so thats all good.

Monday- Faith's "bf" that went clubbing with us the day before BROKE UP WITH HER THROUGH A TEXT I MEAN, HOW LOW COULD YOU GET!!!!!! So i was playing theropist and helping her peice back her heart. God, he was such a fudging douchad dog.

Right now (tuesday) - i am blogging and listening this kid named MattyBRaps. He is amazing, and is only 8 years old! check him out RIGHT NOW:


You see, this video is him speaking out against bullying and hate. Cyber bullying is really bad, and i think its great that he is doing something to speak out about it. Rap on Matt!!!! <3 (and when you get older marry me, your adorable. HOLLY FUDGE! RAP THE DOUBLE RAINBOW ALL TEH WALL SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) *breathe* Gonig to read "fences". ugg. Oh, and Aladren emailed me about that. I understand, The "N' word doesnt erally bother me, but confusses me.And i am SO ticked off about what they are doing to the new aditions of Tom Sawyer. You cant change a classic. Thats morally wrong. its like taking the song "dont stop beliveing" and changing it to "Dont stop Dreaming". Its just wrong. WRONG WRONG, YOU HEAR ME! WRONGGGGGG!!!!!!!!

whoa....breathe hayley, breathee.....
ok. i've had enoguh of thid blog. I should stop now before i go and blow a blood vessle. You know those things are importante....

Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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