Monday, January 3, 2011

I dont do "ups"


i seriously miss blogging. Theater was surprising fun today. 9not that it was surprising. i was thinking that im gonna burst into to tears. ill sxplain later in blog. but i thoguht i would hate it, but i feel not as bad as i thought i would).

Ms.Aladren has sadly, finally, noticed that thater kids are not fit. except gabe. but he doesnt count becuase i think he is Canadian. or from planted Lady Gaga, from the galaxy of awsome. so we had to do 50 squats, 50 sit-ups, 50 push-ups, and a 10 second plank.

Squats were ok. i like squats. but after that....
Huston we have a problem:

I dont do "ups". I can do downs. give me a seat and i'll sit down, give me a bowl of penuts i'll wolf it down, Give me a bed and i'll Lie down. give me a sumo wrestler (or Rosie O'Donald. either or) and i'll Throw-down.
But i dont do ups.
Ups defy the law of gravity.
And i obey the law.

But i fear Ms.Aladren more than the law...yuo see....Aladren is spanish. And i'm french. You dont fight spanish people because for sport they kill bulls.In france for sport we smoke and take off our clothes and loveeee.
Some say that you should fight your wars with love...unless your against the spanish. If your against the spanish you got have some death-wish if you fight: cuz u gonna die!

So i did my best. Sit -ups are fine. they're ok.

and then the push-ups.

I never learned how to do a push-up. I dont think i ever will. I have the worst body strength EVER. no matter how hard i tryyyy. My old gym teachers gave up on me, so i never did gym. I just set upfor all the gym-pep rally's. 9haha, and pulled all these great pranks! hahah! put glu eon the tug-a-war rope...water baloons...hhahahaha...god times). Anywho..i dont know how to do a push up.
I tried i really did, and i thoguht i was gonna cry becaus ei was Spo un-fit...but i didnt. I dont even thinki do ONE right.
Going to learn if it kills me. Planks hurt, and i slid because of my socks, but i can manage that.

After the "work-out", we did a rythm excerise. It was awsome: wanted to record the sounds we made and make music out of it and record a CD. hahaha, buti didnt have my recording equipment with me and it would be un-rpofessional. hahaha, will try and recreate with friends at home. anywho,
Reading M. Butterfly. AMAZING! gonna find "boys life" and prove them all wrong about the oranges monolugue. They thinks is 2 sexual 4 me.hahaha, i'm Bi-polar. Im a nun and a lucifer. haha, evillll..... like, an exceorisist...person/demon..thing....

so i wanna see just how bad the monolugue really is. gonna find it.
also they said something about "blue waffles" and everyone started freaking out.
I dont get it.
I like waffles. I like red waffles, green waffles on St.Patricks day...what's wrong with blue waffles?

Hayley Michelle

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